lappis-unb / BotFlow

BotFlow - visual content manager for simple Rasa chatbots
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Remove all LAPPIS and TAIS info from code #149

Open rodmaia opened 3 years ago

rodmaia commented 3 years ago

Originally, BotFlow was built coupled to LAPPIS' infrastructure and to TAIS' content. We should remove all those references in favor of:

See also:

mansogf commented 3 years ago

Following the procedures according to #153.

mansogf commented 3 years ago

@rodmaia , could you give me more details about this issue?

In my first shoot on it, I saw that we have some mentions about "TAIS" in the following file: BotFlowAPI/src/api/fixtures/initial.json.

Some examples can be visualized below:

        "model": "api.utter",
        "pk": 10,
        "fields": {
            "name": "utter_quem_criou_a_tais",
            "multiple_alternatives": true,
                ["Fui desenvolvida pelo LAPPIS (Laboratório Avançado de Produção Pesquisa e Inovação em Software) na Universidade de Brasília, um laboratório super inovador e descolado!"],
                ["Se quiser me conhecer mais, acesse o meu projeto :)"]

            "project": 1

or even,

        "model": "api.intent",
        "pk": 9,
        "fields": {
          "name": "quem_criou_a_tais",
          "samples": [
            "como você foi construida",
            "como voce foi construída",
            "quem te criou",
            "quem te desenvolveu",
            "quem te programou",
            "você tem pai",
            "qual seu pai",
            "onde voce nasceu",
            "quando vc nasceu",
            "quem te fez",
            "quem te produziu",
            "quem é seu pai",
            "fez a tais",
            "criou a tais",
            "produziu a tais",
            "desenvolveu a tais",

        "project": 1

Then, my questions are:

1) Would be this the target of this issue? If no, could you give me more examples from where I should give more attention? 2) If yes, should I only delete all the intents and utters that mention LAPPIS and TAIS, or update them in a generical way? 3) Does it have to consider a persona? I mean, does it need to have a personality?

rodmaia commented 3 years ago


  1. Yes, that is exactly the target of this issue.
  2. We should delete the current content and replace it with the example content from rasa-ptbr-boilerplate
  3. No it doesn't. We are not trying to create a full-fledged set of utters and intents. The goal here is to give BotFlow generic "starter set" content that anyone can customize later.

Think of it this way: you fork BotFlow, build it and run it for the first time. All you want is generic content that you can customize a couple of lines, export it and see it working on your bot. "LAPPIS", "Tais", "cultural incentive law" are all part of BotFlow history but only add confusion to the scenario.

BTW, we should target the default content and the rest of the code as well. Fore example, there might be some config info related to deployment on LAPPIS' infrastructure. That should be replaced by generic/configurable info.

mansogf commented 3 years ago

All "LAPPIS", "Tais" and "cultural incentive law" were removed and replaced by general content.

mansogf commented 3 years ago

All the LAPPIS' infrastructure content was removed.

mansogf commented 3 years ago

I need the authorization to push the code in the API repository.

rodmaia commented 3 years ago

I granted access to to the whole team with the same permissions as in this repository

mansogf commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I just sent the PR (