lapps / org.lappsgrid.examples

LAPPS example code.
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Write tutorial #2

Open keighrim opened 9 years ago

keighrim commented 9 years ago

Taken from whitespace_tokenizer tutorial

Then go further with more examples

keighrim commented 9 years ago

pycaller is just an example, not a universal python wrapper. Developers might need to write their own wrappers, depending on the data structures they use.

keighrim commented 9 years ago
  1. Maven project setup
  2. Implementing Lappsgrid service
  3. Service metadata
  4. Testing a service
  5. Packaging a service
  6. Wrapping Java package
  7. Wrapping Python package

Write each step into each git branch, then merge the last step (step 7 in the plan) into master. README in master only needs to indicate how to start step 1.