lapwinglabs / x-ray-phantom

phantom driver for x-ray.
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Pagination with Login #2

Open JZL opened 9 years ago

JZL commented 9 years ago

Maybe this is specific to the site I am crawling but if a paginate a website after logging in, it loses the login (cookies/session I assume) on each successive new page

matthewmueller commented 9 years ago

Oh interesting, could you provide some psuedocode for context?

JZL commented 9 years ago
//login(page # 1 )
    .type('#barcodeOrUsername', 'USNER')
    .type("#password", "PASS")

//need to click a link, to get to pagination(page # 2)

    .paginate("#main > div > a:last-child[href]")

The title is the right the first time, the logged clicked through page, but the next stdout is back to the page # 2

areida commented 9 years ago

I was having this exact same error today. For me the issue was that nightmare doesn't store cookies by default, you have to configure a path in the options.

    cookiesFile : '/path/to/cookies'
JZL commented 9 years ago

I feel like that is probably where the error is but it doesn't work.

Thanks, though