lara-zeus / sky

CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories. with a frontend scaffolding ready to use
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Cached translation support for LibraryTypes and TagTypes. #163

Closed BurakBoz closed 11 months ago

BurakBoz commented 11 months ago

This PR adds fast cached translation support for libraryTypes and tagTypes.

atmonshi commented 11 months ago

Thank you @BurakBoz How to use the translatable? because I get:

Target class [translator] does not exist.

when adding translatable:

      'FILE' => __('File'),
      'IMAGE' => __('Image'),
      'VIDEO' => __('Video'),

also won't be better to allow to pass a Closure!

BurakBoz commented 11 months ago

Hello! Here is my config/app.php. I believe this will resolve your error.

'providers' => ServiceProvider::defaultProviders()->merge([
         * Package Service Providers...
        Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider::class, // <== Translation Service

         * Application Service Providers...
        // App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,

When it comes to why I'm using cache, I noticed that it was being called three times. I implemented this structure to avoid unnecessary repetitive processing.

I'm using without __ function on my AdminPanelProvider

                    'FILE' => 'File',
                    'IMAGE' => 'Image',
                    'VIDEO' => 'Video',
                    'tag' => 'Tag',
                    'category' => 'Category',
                    'library' => 'Library',
                    'faq' => 'Faq',

I've also created a Trait for this that adds support for untranslatable plugin translations:


namespace BurakBoz\Filament\Support;

use Filament\Forms\Components\Field;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Placeholder;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Toggle;
use Filament\Navigation\NavigationGroup;
use Filament\Navigation\NavigationItem;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\Column;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\BaseFilter;

trait TranslateLabels
    public function autoTranslate(): void

    private function translateLabels(array $components = []): void
        foreach($components as $component)
                $component::configureUsing(static function ($c): void
                    method_exists($c, 'translateLabel') && $c->translateLabel();
                    method_exists($c, 'label') && $c->label(__($c->getLabel()));

Using it in my AppServiceProvider

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    use TranslateLabels;

     * Bootstrap any application services.
    public function boot(): void

Perhaps there are better alternatives to accomplish this; I would appreciate suggestions.

atmonshi commented 11 months ago

that is a nice solution for translating packages :)

I would do it by passing a Closure the same way for other configurations like skyPrefix

    protected Closure| array | null $libraryTypes = [
        'FILE' => 'File',
        'IMAGE' => 'Image',
        'VIDEO' => 'Video',

    public function libraryTypes(Closure|array $types): static
        $this->libraryTypes = $types;

        return $this;

    public function getLibraryTypes(): Closure|array|null
        return $this->evaluate($this->libraryTypes);

and then in your panel provider:

      'FILE' => __('File'),
      'IMAGE' => __('Image'),
      'VIDEO' => __('Video'),

but I'm not sure about being called three times, does it happen even if you cache the views?

BurakBoz commented 11 months ago


This is the way

I believe this approach makes more sense. I will test the cache

BurakBoz commented 11 months ago
    public function getLibraryTypes(): ?array
        !isset($GLOBALS["i"]) && $GLOBALS["i"] = 0; dump($GLOBALS["i"]++, debug_backtrace(limit:1));
        return $this->libraryTypes;
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan optimize
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
php artisan event:cache
php artisan icons:clear
php artisan icons:cache
php artisan view:cache

In a cached app, this results in 7 calls to the /admin/library/create URL in LibraryResource.php:79 and LibraryResource.php:78.

If each call executes the translate function, it can significantly slow down the application.

Here is the patched version of LibraryResource that reduces the number of calls to only 3.


namespace LaraZeus\Sky\Filament\Resources;

use Filament\Forms\Components\Section;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Select;
use Filament\Forms\Components\SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload;
use Filament\Forms\Components\SpatieTagsInput;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Filament\Forms\Form;
use Filament\Forms\Get;
use Filament\Forms\Set;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\Action;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\ActionGroup;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\DeleteAction;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\EditAction;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\SpatieTagsColumn;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\SelectFilter;
use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use LaraZeus\Sky\Filament\Resources\LibraryResource\Pages;
use LaraZeus\Sky\Models\Library;
use LaraZeus\Sky\SkyPlugin;
use Wallo\FilamentSelectify\Components\ButtonGroup;

class LibraryResource extends SkyResource
    protected static ?string $slug = 'library';

    protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-folder';

    protected static ?int $navigationSort = 4;

    public static function getModel(): string
        return SkyPlugin::get()->getModel('Library');

    public static function form(Form $form): Form
        $libraryTypes = SkyPlugin::get()->getLibraryTypes();
        return $form
                Section::make(__('Library File'))
                            ->label(__('Library Title'))
                            ->live(onBlur: true)
                            ->afterStateUpdated(function (Set $set, $state, $context) {
                                if ($context === 'edit') {

                                $set('slug', Str::slug($state));

                            ->unique(ignorable: fn (?Library $record): ?Library => $record)
                            ->label(__('Library Slug')),

                            ->label(__('Library Description'))

                            ->label(__('Library Categories')),

                            ->label(__('Library Type'))
                            ->visible($libraryTypes !== null)

                Section::make(__('Library File'))
                            ->afterStateHydrated(function (Set $set, Get $get) {
                                $setVal = ($get('file_path') === null) ? 'upload' : 'url';
                                $set('upload_or_url', $setVal);
                                'upload' => __('upload'),
                                'url' => __('url'),
                            ->visible(fn (Get $get) => $get('upload_or_url') === 'upload')

                            ->label(__('file url'))
                            ->visible(fn (Get $get) => $get('upload_or_url') === 'url')

    public static function table(Table $table): Table
        $libraryTypes = SkyPlugin::get()->getLibraryTypes();
        return $table
                TextColumn::make('title')->label(__('Library Title'))->searchable()->sortable()->toggleable(),
                TextColumn::make('slug')->label(__('Library Slug'))->searchable()->sortable()->toggleable(),

                    ->label(__('Library Type'))
                    ->visible($libraryTypes !== null)
                    ->formatStateUsing(fn (string $state): string => str($state)->title())
                    ->color(fn (string $state) => match ($state) {
                        'IMAGE' => 'primary',
                        'FILE' => 'success',
                        'VIDEO' => 'warning',
                        default => '',
                    ->icon(fn (string $state) => match ($state) {
                        'IMAGE' => 'heroicon-o-photo',
                        'FILE' => 'heroicon-o-document',
                        'VIDEO' => 'heroicon-o-film',
                        default => 'heroicon-o-document-magnifying-glass',

                    ->label(__('Library Tags'))
                        ->url(fn (Library $record): string => route('library.item', ['slug' => $record->slug]))
                    ->visible($libraryTypes !== null)
                    ->relationship('tags', 'name')
            ->defaultSort('id', 'desc');

    public static function getPages(): array
        return [
            'index' => Pages\ListLibrary::route('/'),
            'create' => Pages\CreateLibrary::route('/create'),
            'edit' => Pages\EditLibrary::route('/{record}/edit'),

    public static function getLabel(): string
        return __('Library');

    public static function getPluralLabel(): string
        return __('Libraries');

    public static function getNavigationLabel(): string
        return __('Libraries');

Closures can be useful for configuration, but they still require a temporary caching solution for translations.

I won't be submitting any more PRs or comments on this topic.

Let's, at the very least, include the Turkish language translation that I have submitted to the package.

atmonshi commented 11 months ago

No problem :). Thank you again, I will re-visit this and see how to improve it more and enhance the performance