I'm having a really strange issue when attempting to use strings as primary ids. Running both of the tests below, the RegistrationTest (which runs second) fails and I get:
QueryException in Connection.php line 624:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 NOT NULL constraint failed: users.id (SQL: insert into "users" ("first_name", "last_name", "email", "type", "password", "updated_at", "created_at") values (Friedrich, Gutkowski, john.doe@example.com, patient, y$i20McfZTbl3K/MhCU/8p8.buhNe0eT9NNKMjL2nowCCbyYtpnvbIu, 2015-05-19 20:18:45, 2015-05-19 20:18:45))
What's so strange is if I run the tests separately, they work just fine. I created my own custom builder class and inside the "save" method I set the id of the model (return (string) new MongoId()), but it is still failing. If I remove the MongoIdTrait and use increments in my migrations, both tests run fine.
use Laracasts\TestDummy\Factory as TestDummy;
class AuthTest extends TestCase {
/** @test */
public function it_authenticates_user_and_returns_token()
$user = TestDummy::create('App\Models\User', [
'password' => Hash::make('password')
$this->post('/auth', [
'email' => $user->email,
'password' => 'password'
My App\Models\User extends uses the following trait:
<?php namespace App\Traits;
trait MongoIdTrait {
* Attach MongoId to id attribute
protected static function boot()
$key = $model->getKeyName();
$model->{$key} = (string) $model->generateNewId();
* Generate new MongoId
* @return \MongoId
protected function generateNewId()
return new \MongoId();
use Laracasts\Integrated\Extensions\Laravel as IntegrationTest;
use Laracasts\Integrated\Services\Laravel\DatabaseTransactions;
use Laracasts\TestDummy\Factory;
class TestCase extends IntegrationTest {
use DatabaseTransactions;
public function createApplication()
public function setUp()
Factory::$databaseProvider = new \MongoFactory;
use Laracasts\TestDummy\EloquentModel;
class MongoFactory extends EloquentModel {
* Persist the entity.
* @param Model $entity
* @return void
public function save($entity)
$entity->id = (string) new \MongoId();
This issue can be closed. It seems to be a problem with PHPUnit/Laravel. Adding an event listener on the model::creating event and attaching the id (rather than in the models' boot method) resolves the issue.
I'm having a really strange issue when attempting to use strings as primary ids. Running both of the tests below, the RegistrationTest (which runs second) fails and I get:
What's so strange is if I run the tests separately, they work just fine. I created my own custom builder class and inside the "save" method I set the id of the model (
return (string) new MongoId()
), but it is still failing. If I remove the MongoIdTrait and use increments in my migrations, both tests run fine.My App\Models\User extends uses the following trait: