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Should we reclassify javascript framework developers? #11

Open colinrubbert opened 6 years ago

colinrubbert commented 6 years ago

Part of the problem in my eyes isn't really job titles perse but with the fact that JavaScript has moved so far and beyond where it was intentionally designed (my own perceived assessment not an official intent). JS is now a backend, fullstack, front-end, and interactive/animation language.

Where I see an issue with the titles is that JS has become its own beast and people (hr/job posters) typically don't understand just how far off JS has gone from what we were used to even just 2,3,5 years ago.

Here's my proposal; JS frameworks like React, Angular, Ember, and Vue aren't really front-end end tools, they're client side or bridging tools. Yes you can do your styling and HTML inside them or beside them but they themselves aren't truly front-end solely. They walk this line between front-end interaction and backend implementation. They aren't quite fully front-end but they aren't exactly backend either. I propose that maybe we reclassify this style of JS and the frameworks as "Middle Stack" (catchy, I know 😜).

This ultimately would be able to resolve 80% of the title disputes because it replaces the vagueness and breadth of "front-end" and classifies as something more focused and accurate of the intent or skill level of the developer that is needed. That would put front-end JS, the animation "pretty" stuff (menus, modals, accordions, etc), back into the appropriate category with HTML & CSS. While also leaving the more developer heavy stuff into it's own category since it has become its own thing over the years with no real sign of slowing down.

As such we could potentially have a title breakdown like this:

Now I know this isn't a complete list and there is massive areas of potential nuance in each category but by adding the "Middle Stack" developer category we can alleviate some of the confusion surrounding the front-end world.

** Disclaimer: I am relatively new to the world development, I cut my teeth as an IT Systems Administrator, but have been learning for the last few years in my free time and I have noticed as a newcomer how difficult and confusing an arena the front-end world has become even in the last few years.

rebornweb commented 5 years ago

Hi there!

You might want to add in the 'Solutions Architect' or 'Architect' somewhere in this list

Keep coding!

Thanks Andrei