laras126 / front-end-discourse

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Are you *relieved* or *disappointed* that you didn't have to npm install this thing? #6

Open laras126 opened 6 years ago

laras126 commented 6 years ago

And what does that say about you as a front-end developer?

robwierzbowski commented 6 years ago

Relieved. Any time other people take care of code for me I’m happy, and my days of dragging and dropping other’s code into my repository are done. Other benefits include versioning, easy upgrades with Semver, keeping vendor code out of code editor search results, and analytics that help me judge how strong/used/supported a package is.

stephenwil commented 6 years ago

It depends :-) Sometimes when you look at what some npm modules are, they are merely 6 or so lines of JS wrapped as a module, but sometimes, the really excellent modules that are very, very well tested, supported and maintained are worth it, and you would never not include them. e.g. lodash, bluebird, chalk, express. Sometimes more so for nodeJS server side and build-tool chains.