laravel-admin-extensions / backup

An admin interface for managing backups
MIT License
74 stars 40 forks source link

doesn't work on Laravel 6.2 and admin 1.7 #18

Open schel4ok opened 4 years ago

schel4ok commented 4 years ago

encore/laravel-admin | ^1.7 laravel/framework | ^6.2 gives me error

Argument 1 passed to Spatie\Backup\Tasks\Monitor\BackupDestinationStatusFactory::createForMonitorConfig() must be of the type array, null given, called in C:\laragon\www\steklo-group\vendor\laravel-admin-ext\backup\src\Backup.php on line 15 

{"exception":"[object] (Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Argument 1 passed to Spatie\Backup\Tasks\Monitor\BackupDestinationStatusFactory::createForMonitorConfig() must be of the type array, null given, called in C:\laragon\www\steklo-group\vendor\laravel-admin-ext\backup\src\Backup.php on line 15 at C:\laragon\www\steklo-group\vendor\spatie\laravel-backup\src\Tasks\Monitor\BackupDestinationStatusFactory.php:11)

theigwe commented 4 years ago

If you installed version 6 of laravel-backup it is not yet compatible with the current version of this extension using version 5 will fix your issues

composer require spatie/laravel-backup:5.*

Bluefitdev commented 4 years ago

Yeah i've got the same one..

FatalThrowableError In BackupDestinationStatusFactory.php line 11

Thanks for the info!

schel4ok commented 4 years ago

please update extension to be compatible with version 6.8 of laravel-backup

ZsgsDesign commented 3 years ago

please update extension

ZsgsDesign commented 3 years ago

@schel4ok @Bluefitdev if you still have the problem, that is because this package uses config('backup.monitorBackups'), just find your config/backup.php and rename key monitor_backups to monitorBackups.