laravel-idea / plugin

Laravel Idea plugin for PhpStorm
166 stars 7 forks source link

[Bug]: Problems with defining generic types #497

Open stolentine opened 2 years ago

stolentine commented 2 years ago

Bug description

phpstorm recently added support for generics in the dock. If you enable the plugin and paste this code into one file, then ide normally determines and highlights testMethod()

class Test
    public function testMethod()


interface Factory
     * @template T
     * @param class-string<T> $class
     * @return T
    public function create(string $class);

class Foo
    public function __construct(
        private Factory $factory
    ) {

    public function baz()

The problem is not tracked if the project has few files and namespaces. But on my working project, where the number of classes is more than 10k and there is a sixfold nesting of namespaces, this feature stops working.

If you disable the plugin, the problem ceases to manifest itself and the method begins to be determined. Also, the problem sometimes disappears if you change the namesapace of the class in which $this->factory->create(Test::class)->testMethod(); is called; to some non-existent and having less than 3 nestings, for example, namespace Foo\Baz\Bar;

Plugin version

Operating system


Steps to reproduce

Take a big project. In it, in different namespaces, create the three classes described above. Check the correctness of testMethod() definition

screen recording

Relevant log output

2022-01-28 00:23:01,487 [      0]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - ------------------------------------------------------ IDE STARTED ------------------------------------------------------
2022-01-28 00:23:01,531 [     44]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - IDE: PhpStorm (build #PS-213.6461.83, 29 Dec 2021 14:39)
2022-01-28 00:23:01,533 [     46]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - OS: Linux (5.13.0-27-generic, amd64)
2022-01-28 00:23:01,539 [     52]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JRE: 11.0.13+7-b1751.21 (JetBrains s.r.o.)
2022-01-28 00:23:01,539 [     52]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM: 11.0.13+7-b1751.21 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
2022-01-28 00:23:01,541 [     54]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM options: [-Xms128m, -Xmx750m, -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m, -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50, -XX:CICompilerCount=2, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -ea,, -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes="", -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true, -Djdk.module.illegalAccess.silent=true, -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug=off,, -Xmx2048m, -XX:ErrorFile=/home/somebody/java_error_in_phpstorm_%p.log, -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/somebody/java_error_in_phpstorm_.hprof, -Djb.vmOptionsFile=/home/somebody/.config/JetBrains/PhpStorm2021.3/phpstorm64.vmoptions, -Djava.system.class.loader=com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader,, -Didea.paths.selector=PhpStorm2021.3, -Didea.platform.prefix=PhpStorm, -Dsplash=true]
2022-01-28 00:23:01,541 [     54]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - args: []
2022-01-28 00:23:01,542 [     55]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - library path: /usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
2022-01-28 00:23:01,542 [     55]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - boot library path: /snap/phpstorm/250/jbr/lib
2022-01-28 00:23:01,577 [     90]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - locale=ru_RU JNU=UTF-8 file.encoding=UTF-8
2022-01-28 00:23:01,586 [     99]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - CPU cores: 12; ForkJoinPool.commonPool: java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool@303aa037[Running, parallelism = 11, size = 8, active = 5, running = 5, steals = 2, tasks = 0, submissions = 0]; factory: com.intellij.concurrency.IdeaForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory@34bff1b9
2022-01-28 00:23:01,632 [    145]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JNA library (64-bit) loaded in 46 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:01,749 [    262]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Plugin PluginDescriptor(name=PHP, id=com.jetbrains.php, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=/snap/phpstorm/250/plugins/php, version=213.6461.83, package=null, isBundled=true) misses optional descriptor php-shared-indexes.xml
2022-01-28 00:23:02,104 [    617]   INFO - om.intellij.ui.scale.JBUIScale - System scale factor: 1.25 (IDE-managed HiDPI)
2022-01-28 00:23:02,445 [    958]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - WM detected: KWin, desktop: KDE
2022-01-28 00:23:02,498 [   1011]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Module is not enabled because dependency is not available
Module is not enabled because dependency is not available
Module intellij.restClient/microservicesUI is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.microservices.ui is not available
Module is not enabled because dependency is not available
Module is not enabled because dependency is not available
Module intellij.swagger/endpoints is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.microservices.ui is not available
Module intellij.javascript.debugger.javaee is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.javaee is not available
Module intellij.javascript.debugger.nashorn is not enabled because dependency is not available
Module intellij.vuejs/prettier is not enabled because dependency intellij.prettierJS is not available
Module is not enabled because dependency is not available
2022-01-28 00:23:02,512 [   1025]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins: IDEA CORE (213.6461.83), Grazie (213.6461.83), Settings Repository (213.6461.83), YAML (213.6461.83), WSL File System Support (213.6461.83), TextMate Bundles (213.6461.83), Terminal (213.6461.83), ReStructuredText (213.6461.83), GNU GetText files support (*.po) (213.6461.83), Emoji Picker (213.6461.83), Qodana (213.6461.83), EditorConfig (213.6461.83), Hunspell (213.6461.83), Mercurial (213.6461.83), Shell Script (213.6461.83), Projector Libraries for Code With Me and Remote Development (213.6461.83), SSH Remote Run (213.6461.83), Vagrant (213.6461.83), FTP/SFTP Connectivity (ex. Remote Hosts Access) (213.6461.83), Ini (213.6461.83), Remote Development Gateway (213.6461.83), Terminal for Gateway (213.6461.83), Code With Me (213.6461.83), Haml (213.6461.83), File Watchers (213.6461.83), HTTP Client (213.6461.83), Diagrams (213.6461.83), Copyright (213.6461.83), Images (213.6461.83), CSS (213.6461.83), Sass (213.6461.83), Less (213.6461.83), Configuration Script (213.6461.83), Machine Learning Code Completion (213.6461.83), Apache config (.htaccess) (213.6461.83), IDE Settings Sync (213.6461.83), Performance Testing (213.6461.83), Shared Indexes (213.6461.83), Performance Testing (Dynamic Plugins) (213.6461.83), XPathView + XSLT (213.6461.83), IntelliLang (213.6461.83), Markdown (213.6461.83), Gherkin (213.6461.83), Task Management (213.6461.83), Time Tracking (213.6461.83), W3C Validators (213.6461.83), Subversion (213.6461.83), Remote Development Server (213.6461.83), Refactor-X (213.6461.83), Perforce Helix Core (213.6461.83), HTML Tools (213.6461.83), GitHub (213.6461.83), Git (213.6461.83), Shared Project Indexes (213.6461.83), PHP (213.6461.83), PHP Remote Interpreter (213.6461.83), Twig (213.6461.83), PhpStorm Workshop (213.6461.83), PHPSpec BDD Framework (213.6461.83), Command Line Tool (213.6461.83), WordPress (213.6461.83), DQL (213.6461.83), Blade (213.6461.83), Behat Support (213.6461.83), Codeception Framework (213.6461.83), PHP Architecture (213.6461.83), PHPStan Support (213.6461.83), Psalm Support (213.6461.83), PHPT Support (213.6461.83), PHP Markdown Integration (213.6461.83), PHP Grazie Integration (213.6461.83), Phing (213.6461.83), OpenAPI Specifications (213.6461.83), JavaScript Debugger (213.6461.83), Vue.js (213.6461.83), JavaScript and TypeScript (213.6461.83), TSLint (213.6461.83), Drupal (213.6461.83), Tailwind CSS (213.6461.83), Database Tools and SQL (213.6461.83), Joomla! (213.6461.83), Node.js (213.6461.83), JavaScript Intention Power Pack (213.6461.83), CoffeeScript (213.6461.83), ChangeReminder (213.6461.83), Machine Learning in Search Everywhere (213.6461.83), Docker (213.6461.83), PHP Docker (213.6461.83), Angular and AngularJS (213.6461.83)
2022-01-28 00:23:02,512 [   1025]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded custom plugins: nginx Support (0.1.9), String Manipulation (, PHP Annotations (8.0.0), Symfony Support (0.23.213), Laravel (0.15.4), .env files support (2021.3.0.213), Laravel Idea (
2022-01-28 00:23:03,062 [   1575]   INFO - cloudConfig.CloudConfigManager - === Offline: true ===
2022-01-28 00:23:03,105 [   1618]   INFO - ication.options.PathMacrosImpl - Loaded path macros: {}
2022-01-28 00:23:03,167 [   1680]   INFO - rains.ide.BuiltInServerManager - built-in server started, port 63342
2022-01-28 00:23:03,193 [   1706]   INFO - cation.options.RegistryManager - Registry values changed by user: = true
2022-01-28 00:23:03,219 [   1732]   INFO - intellij.diagnostic.JitWatcher - JIT compilation state checking enabled
2022-01-28 00:23:03,232 [   1745]   INFO - - lower=100; upper=500; buffer=10; max=2028
2022-01-28 00:23:03,238 [   1751]   INFO - - Default SSL context initialized
2022-01-28 00:23:03,255 [   1768]   WARN - Container.ComponentManagerImpl - Do not use constructor injection (requestorClass=net.ishchenko.idea.nginx.configurator.NginxConfigurationManager)
2022-01-28 00:23:03,322 [   1835]   INFO - lors.impl.AppEditorFontOptions - Font setting migration: JetBrains Mono -> [JetBrains Mono, Regular, Bold]
2022-01-28 00:23:03,606 [   2119]   INFO - e.plugins.DisabledPluginsState - Plugins to enable: [com.jetbrains.codeWithMe]
2022-01-28 00:23:03,633 [   2146]   INFO - penapi.application.Experiments - Experimental features enabled for user:,,, wsl.execute.with.wsl.exe,, recent.and.edited.files.together,, search.everywhere.mixed.results, editor.reader.mode, new.large.text.file.viewer, wsl.fsd.content.loader,,
2022-01-28 00:23:03,637 [   2150]   INFO - penapi.wm.impl.GlobalMenuLinux - Start glib main loop in thread: GlobalMenuLinux loop
2022-01-28 00:23:03,640 [   2153]   INFO - penapi.wm.impl.GlobalMenuLinux - Closed dbus-service 'com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar'
2022-01-28 00:23:03,729 [   2242]   INFO - e.plugins.DisabledPluginsState - Plugins to enable: [com.laravel_idea.plugin]
2022-01-28 00:23:03,755 [   2268]   INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Starting file watcher: /snap/phpstorm/250/bin/fsnotifier
2022-01-28 00:23:03,762 [   2275]   INFO -                         STDOUT - Info  | RdCoroutineScope          | 31:JobScheduler FJ pool 10/11 | RdCoroutineHost overridden
2022-01-28 00:23:03,768 [   2281]   INFO - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Native file watcher is operational.
2022-01-28 00:23:03,774 [   2287]   INFO - tests.impl.DistributedTestHost - Host address=localhost/
2022-01-28 00:23:03,860 [   2373]   INFO - pl.projectlevelman.NewMappings - VCS Root: [Git] - [/home/somebody/projects/bc]
2022-01-28 00:23:03,914 [   2427]   INFO - penapi.wm.impl.GlobalMenuLinux - created instance of GlobalMenuLinux for xid=0x4c0004a
2022-01-28 00:23:03,921 [   2434]   INFO - .intellij.openapi.wm.StatusBar - Factory is not registered as `com.intellij.statusBarWidgetFactory` extension: com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed.IncomingChangesIndicatorFactory
2022-01-28 00:23:03,937 [   2450]   WARN - l.NotificationGroupManagerImpl - Notification group CodeWithMe is already registered (group=com.intellij.notification.NotificationGroup@684748e0). Plugin descriptor: PluginDescriptor(name=Code With Me, id=com.jetbrains.codeWithMe, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=/snap/phpstorm/250/plugins/cwm-plugin, version=213.6461.83, package=null, isBundled=true)
2022-01-28 00:23:04,026 [   2539]   INFO - rojectCodeStyleSettingsManager - Loading Project code style
2022-01-28 00:23:04,041 [   2554]   INFO - eStyle.CustomCodeStyleSettings - Loaded org.editorconfig.settings.EditorConfigSettings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,042 [   2555]   INFO - eStyle.CustomCodeStyleSettings - Loaded com.jetbrains.php.lang.formatter.PhpCodeStyleSettings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,044 [   2557]   INFO - el.ide.impl.WorkspaceModelImpl - Load workspace model from cache in 299 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:04,058 [   2571]   INFO - eStyle.CustomCodeStyleSettings - Loaded com.intellij.sql.dialects.postgres.PgCodeStyleSettings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,060 [   2573]   INFO - eStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings - Loaded HTML common code style settings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,060 [   2573]   INFO - eStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings - Loaded JSON common code style settings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,060 [   2573]   INFO - eStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings - Loaded JavaScript common code style settings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,060 [   2573]   INFO - eStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings - Loaded TypeScript common code style settings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,060 [   2573]   INFO - eStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings - Loaded Vue template common code style settings
2022-01-28 00:23:04,120 [   2633]   INFO - ins.rd.platform.codeWithMe.w.c - sessionStatus: null
2022-01-28 00:23:04,121 [   2634]   INFO - ins.rd.platform.codeWithMe.w.c - freeSessionRemainingTimeMs: null null
2022-01-28 00:23:04,268 [   2781]   INFO - impl.SharedIndexMainZipStorage - Shared Indexes Storage is opened and empty
2022-01-28 00:23:04,454 [   2967]   INFO - al.NewToolbarRootPaneExtension - Show old main toolbar: false; show old navigation bar: true
2022-01-28 00:23:04,455 [   2968]   INFO - al.NewToolbarRootPaneExtension - Show new main toolbar: false
2022-01-28 00:23:04,713 [   3226]   WARN - com.intellij.util.xmlb.Binding - no accessors for com.laravel_idea.plugin.authorization.LaravelAuthorization
2022-01-28 00:23:04,715 [   3228]   WARN - com.intellij.util.xmlb.Binding - no accessors for com.laravel_idea.plugin.extension.settings.modules.ModuleSystem
2022-01-28 00:23:05,448 [   3961]   INFO - leBasedIndexDataInitialization - Index data initialization done: 1917 ms. Initialized indexes: [FilenameIndex, FrameworkDetectionIndex, TodoIndex, IdIndex, filetypes, Stubs, Trigram.Index, fileIncludes, DomFileIndex, RelaxSymbolIndex, XmlTagNames, XmlNamespaces, html5.custom.attributes.index, SchemaTypeInheritance, json.file.root.values, HashFragmentIndex,,, http.request.execution.environment,, http.request.headers.values.index,, CssIndex, css.template.selectors, CompassFunctionsIndex, XsltSymbolIndex, HtmlTagIdIndex, js.test.names, js.package.index, js.custom.single.entry.index, js.implicit.elements.index, js.string.literal.words.index, HtmlScriptSrcIndex, TypeScriptExternalPathCandidates,,,,,,, php.class.fqn, php.class.alias.fqn, php.interface.fqn, php.invoke.calls.offsets, php.array.access.offsets, php.serialize.function.calls.offsets, php.putenv.arguments,,, php.generic.template.index, php.used.parameters.array.keys, php.namespace.inheritance, php.trait.usage, php.unit.covers,,,, php.expected.function.arguments, php.expected.function.return.values, php.constants.default.expected.arguments, php.constants.default.array.shapes, php.meta.type.inference.mapping, php.inferred.meta.pattern.index, php.exit.point.function.index,,, php.functions.with.not.catched.dynamic.passed.calls, php.generator.operands.type.index, php.parameters.default.value.matchers, php.max.language.level, php.fields.default.value.matchers, php.array.shapes.entries, php.not.used.parameters, php.file.constants.default.value.matchers, php.func.get.arg.usage.index, espend.php.annotation.classes, espend.php.annotation.usage, wordpress.hook.invocations, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.routes_object, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.twig_extends_tags, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.service_definition, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.parameter2, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.translations, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.twig_include_tags, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.twig_macro_function, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.service_tags, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.twig_php_usage, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.doctrine_metadata, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.file_resources, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.container_builder, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.events_annotation, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.service_id_usage, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.twig_block_names, fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.twig_controller_usage, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.section, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.extends, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.include, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.stack, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.each, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.yield, de.espend.idea.laravel.blade.customs, de.espend.idea.laravel.translation_keys, de.espend.idea.laravel.config_keys, de.espend.idea.laravel.template, de.espend.idea.laravel.routes,, OpenapiSpecificationContentIndexer, VueNoScriptFilesIndex,, sql.types.count.index, sql.routine.index,, ru.adelf.idea.php.dotenv.keyValues, laravel_idea.custom_validation_rules, laravel_idea.gates, laravel_idea.routes, laravel_idea.config, laravel_idea.translation, laravel_idea.view_usages, laravel_idea.factory_states, laravel_idea.blade_child_sections, angularjs.template.cache, angularjs.ui.router.views.index,].
2022-01-28 00:23:05,514 [   4027]   INFO - exImpl$StubIndexInitialization - Index data initialization done: 65 ms. Initialized stub indexes: {Scss.mixin, angularjs.filter.index, js.gcl.modules, angular2.metadata.directive.index, vue.components.index, php.namespace.shortName, angularjs.module.index, JS.subclass.stub.index, js.namespace.index, js.local.namespace.members.index, js.class.index2, Less.variables, angularjs.ui.router.states.index, angularjs.controller.index, Scss.placeholder.selector, angular2.metadata.module.index, angular2.metadata.function.index, Less.mixins, angularjs.symbol.index, angularjs.ui.router.generic.states.index, markdown.header, Scss.variable, Scss.function, angular2.metadata.node.index, angular2.metadata.className.index, angular2.metadata.pipe.index, angular2.ivy.module.index, php.interface.shortName, ts.embedded.content.index, dom.namespaceKey, amd.requirePaths.index,, js.element.qualifiedName, js.symbol.index2, sql.names, angularjs.directives.doc.index, js.symbol.qualified.names.index, vue.extends.binding.index, vue.url.index, js.generics.index, js.amd.modules, php.trait.fqn, php.function.shortName, js.lazy.packages, vue.options.index, js.exported.index, js.export.default.react.component.index, php.inheritors, angular2.source.pipe.index, JS.class.super, php.field.shortName, es6.exported.index, js.imported.bindings.index, ts.external.module.index, JS.class.implements, sql.table.shortName,,,,, JS.framework.markers.index,,, angularjs.delimiter.index, angularjs.generic.modules.index, angular2.source.directive.index, Css.class, dom.elementClass, angular2.templateUrl.index,, Css.ampersand.selector, Css.attr,, angular2.ivy.pipe.index, angular2.ivy.directive.index, angular2.source.module.index, Css.custom.mixin, angularjs.templateUrl.index, angularjs.directives.index, js.qualified.shortName, php.use.referenceName, amd.baseUrl.index, vue.mixin.binding.index, js.typedef.index2,, JS.base.types.index,, php.variable.shortName, es6.assignment.index, php.constant.shortName, ts.local.classes, php.class.shortName, js.doc.modules, js.used.remote.modules, php.trait.shortName, js.nonglobal.symbol.index, php.classConstant.shortName, php.method.shortName}.
2022-01-28 00:23:07,272 [   5785]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 51 packages (0 with '@web-types' prefix) in 278ms (
2022-01-28 00:23:07,372 [   5885]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 51 packages (0 with '@web-types' prefix) in 99ms (
2022-01-28 00:23:07,472 [   5985]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 51 packages (1 with '@web-types' prefix) in 99ms (
2022-01-28 00:23:07,571 [   6084]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 50 packages (6 with '@web-types' prefix) in 98ms (
2022-01-28 00:23:07,665 [   6178]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 26 packages (2 with '@web-types' prefix) in 94ms (
2022-01-28 00:23:07,807 [   6320]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 3 versions for @web-types/at-nuxt-vue-app in 115ms
2022-01-28 00:23:07,814 [   6327]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 30 versions for @web-types/bootstrap-vue in 129ms
2022-01-28 00:23:07,918 [   6431]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 2 versions for @web-types/vue-router in 103ms
2022-01-28 00:23:07,928 [   6441]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 1 versions for @web-types/vue-client-only in 120ms
2022-01-28 00:23:08,043 [   6556]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 44 versions for @web-types/quasar-framework in 115ms
2022-01-28 00:23:08,046 [   6559]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 31 versions for @web-types/vue in 128ms
2022-01-28 00:23:08,154 [   6667]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 1 versions for @web-types/vue-no-ssr in 110ms
2022-01-28 00:23:08,168 [   6681]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 8 versions for @web-types/quasar in 121ms
2022-01-28 00:23:08,342 [   6855]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 1 dist-tags, 115 versions for @web-types/vuetify in 187ms
2022-01-28 00:23:08,970 [   7483]   INFO -              PerformancePlugin - Performance Plugin is in silent mode
2022-01-28 00:23:09,264 [   7777]   WARN - ctionSystem.impl.ActionUpdater - 290 ms to grab EDT for TabListAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.TabListAction)
2022-01-28 00:23:09,270 [   7783]   INFO - erver.followMe.FollowMeManager - Register new user 0:'somebody' with ClientId=ClientId(value=Host)
2022-01-28 00:23:09,388 [   7901]   INFO - gnostic.PerformanceWatcherImpl - Pushing JS language level of bc to 68 libraries took 209ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:09,449 [   7962]   INFO - ings.impl.UpdateCheckerService - channel: release
2022-01-28 00:23:09,460 [   7973]   INFO - ion.DelayedProjectSynchronizer - Workspace model loaded from cache. Syncing real project state into workspace model in 449 ms. Thread[main,5,main]
2022-01-28 00:23:09,557 [   8070]   INFO -  #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - [.] git version
2022-01-28 00:23:09,569 [   8082]   INFO -  #git4idea.commands.GitHandler - git version 2.32.0
2022-01-28 00:23:09,580 [   8093]   INFO - ea.config.GitExecutableManager - Git version for /usr/bin/git: (UNIX)
2022-01-28 00:23:09,590 [   8103]   INFO - ge.ExternalProjectsDataStorage - Load external projects data in 1 millis (read time: 1)
2022-01-28 00:23:09,608 [   8121]   INFO - - Loading file type index snapshot
2022-01-28 00:23:09,637 [   8150]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Started indexing of bc. Reason: On project open
2022-01-28 00:23:09,638 [   8151]   INFO - oudConfig.StatusBarInfoManager - === StatusBar ignored ===
2022-01-28 00:23:09,639 [   8152]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Performing delayed pushing properties tasks for bc took 1ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:09,722 [   8235]   INFO - redIndexChunkConfigurationImpl - Chunk bundled-js-predefined-ffdd448c697d-a83ea4ee0d3d-JavaScript-PS-213.6461.83 is registered for project 'bc: matching: (fb=36, stub=83), incompatible: (fb=0, stub=0), unknown: (fb=9, stub=9),
2022-01-28 00:23:09,738 [   8251]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Scanning of bc uses 11 scanning threads
2022-01-28 00:23:09,768 [   8281]   INFO - llij.database.util.SqlDialects - SQL dialects initialized in 10 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:10,009 [   8522]   INFO - redIndexChunkConfigurationImpl - Chunk bundled-php-predefined-a9dfff28de4e-f9ed7592f7e3-com.jetbrains.php-PS-213.6461.83 is registered for project 'bc: matching: (fb=83, stub=98), incompatible: (fb=0, stub=0), unknown: (fb=9, stub=9),
2022-01-28 00:23:10,011 [   8524]   INFO - SharedIndexPostStartupActivity - Attached 2 pre-built shared indexes: bundled-js-predefined-ffdd448c697d-a83ea4ee0d3d-JavaScript-PS-213.6461.83, bundled-php-predefined-a9dfff28de4e-f9ed7592f7e3-com.jetbrains.php-PS-213.6461.83
2022-01-28 00:23:10,323 [   8836]   INFO - j.ide.script.IdeStartupScripts - 0 startup script(s) found
2022-01-28 00:23:10,427 [   8940]   INFO - gnostic.PerformanceWatcherImpl - Post-startup activities under progress took 1436ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: 1/2 sluggish
2022-01-28 00:23:10,428 [   8941]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - notify that start-up thread is free
2022-01-28 00:23:10,746 [   9259]   WARN - ctionSystem.impl.ActionUpdater - 368 ms to grab EDT for CustomisedActionGroup#update (com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomisedActionGroup)
2022-01-28 00:23:10,747 [   9260]   WARN - ctionSystem.impl.ActionUpdater - 365 ms to grab EDT for TabListAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.TabListAction)
2022-01-28 00:23:10,853 [   9366]   INFO - ellij.util.text.DateFormatUtil - cannot load system formats (JNA=true), resorting to JRE for ru_RU
2022-01-28 00:23:11,482 [   9995]   INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 7861 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:13,317 [  11830]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Scanning completed for bc. Number of scanned files: 13486; Number of files for indexing: 8 took 3678ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: 2/4 sluggish
2022-01-28 00:23:13,327 [  11840]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Use 4 indexing threads for indexing of bc
2022-01-28 00:23:13,371 [  11884]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Finished for bc. Unindexed files update took 46ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:13,372 [  11885]   INFO - - File type index snapshot dropped
2022-01-28 00:23:13,524 [  12037]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering ( id:StringManipulation.b435496d-70c9-4b15-85d2-05a8b2576444
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering - Reverse ( id:StringManipulation.b435496d-70c9-4b15-85d2-05a8b2576444.Reverse
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering kebab-case (kebab-case) id:StringManipulation.515ffba2-acd0-4b74-a1b6-96e32b3db866
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering kebab-case - Reverse (kebab-case) id:StringManipulation.515ffba2-acd0-4b74-a1b6-96e32b3db866.Reverse
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering snakecase (snake_case) id:StringManipulation.7725678d-6790-4894-87f1-04ba00c05f9d
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering snakecase - Reverse (snake_case) id:StringManipulation.7725678d-6790-4894-87f1-04ba00c05f9d.Reverse
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering camelCase (camelCase) id:StringManipulation.d8dc4433-fca2-40e2-adf2-bcb9caa2fe29
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering camelCase - Reverse (camelCase) id:StringManipulation.d8dc4433-fca2-40e2-adf2-bcb9caa2fe29.Reverse
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering PascalCase (PascalCase) id:StringManipulation.fca7e469-dc3c-4a3a-8a26-1613f9faab8c
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering PascalCase - Reverse (PascalCase) id:StringManipulation.fca7e469-dc3c-4a3a-8a26-1613f9faab8c.Reverse
2022-01-28 00:23:13,525 [  12038]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering Switch case (camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, kebab-case) id:StringManipulation.SwitchStyleAction
2022-01-28 00:23:13,526 [  12039]   INFO - gmanip.ShortcutStartupActivity - Registering Switch case - Reverse (kebab-case, snake_case, PascalCase, camelCase) id:StringManipulation.SwitchStyleAction.Reverse
2022-01-28 00:23:14,504 [  13017]   INFO - til.indexing.RootChangesLogger - New rootsChanged event for "bc" project with full reindex with trace_hash = 1980126932:
    at com.intellij.util.indexing.EntityIndexingServiceImpl.logRootChanges(
    at com.intellij.util.indexing.EntityIndexingServiceImpl.runFullReindex(
    at com.intellij.util.indexing.EntityIndexingServiceImpl.indexChanges(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerComponent.synchronizeRoots(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerComponent.fireRootsChangedEvent(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl.fireRootsChanged(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl$1.fireRootsChanged(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl$1.fireRootsChanged(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl$BatchSession.rootsChanged(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl$BatchSession.rootsChanged(
    at com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl.makeRootsChange(
    at com.intellij.lang.javascript.buildTools.webpack.WebPackConfigCache$scheduleRootsChangedEvent$1$$special$$inlined$runWriteAction$1.compute(actions.kt:60)
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.lambda$runWriteAction$15(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runWriteActionWithClass(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runWriteAction(
    at com.intellij.lang.javascript.buildTools.webpack.WebPackConfigCache$scheduleRootsChangedEvent$
    at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl.doRun(
    at com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbServiceImpl.updateFinished(
    at com.intellij.openapi.project.TrackedEdtActivityService$
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl.runWithWritingAllowed(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl.access$200(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl$
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runIntendedWriteActionOnCurrentThread(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.lambda$invokeLater$4(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue.doRun(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue.runNextEvent(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue.flushNow(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue$
    at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$
    at java.base/ Method)
    at java.base/$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.defaultDispatchEvent(
    at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent(
    at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.lambda$dispatchEvent$6(
    at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.computePrioritized(
    at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.lambda$dispatchEvent$7(
    at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runIntendedWriteActionOnCurrentThread(
    at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.desktop/

2022-01-28 00:23:14,551 [  13064]   INFO - - Loading file type index snapshot
2022-01-28 00:23:14,560 [  13073]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Started indexing of bc. Reason: Reindex requested by project root model changes
2022-01-28 00:23:14,561 [  13074]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Performing delayed pushing properties tasks for bc took 1ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:14,563 [  13076]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Scanning of bc uses 11 scanning threads
2022-01-28 00:23:14,709 [  13222]   INFO - gnostic.PerformanceWatcherImpl - Pushing JS language level of bc to 68 libraries took 11ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:14,749 [  13262]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Scanning completed for bc. Number of scanned files: 13486; Number of files for indexing: 0 took 187ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:14,752 [  13265]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Finished for bc. No files to index with loading content.
2022-01-28 00:23:14,752 [  13265]   INFO - - File type index snapshot dropped
2022-01-28 00:23:14,851 [  13364]   INFO - omposerSettingSyncConfigClient - Composer synchronization is enabled -> update IDE settings based on composer.json
2022-01-28 00:23:14,901 [  13414]   INFO - omposerSettingSyncConfigClient - Composer synchronization is enabled -> update IDE settings based on composer.json
2022-01-28 00:23:15,110 [  13623]   INFO - - Loading file type index snapshot
2022-01-28 00:23:15,124 [  13637]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Started indexing of bc. Reason: On updated roots of library 'PHP'
2022-01-28 00:23:15,126 [  13639]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Performing delayed pushing properties tasks for bc took 1ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:15,128 [  13641]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Scanning of bc uses 11 scanning threads
2022-01-28 00:23:15,283 [  13796]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'File' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 149 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:15,317 [  13830]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'View' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 182 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:15,343 [  13856]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Edit' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 209 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:15,455 [  13968]   INFO - m.codeWithMe.CodeWithMeCleanup - running activity to cleanup old thin clients... Root path is '/home/somebody/.cache/JetBrains'
2022-01-28 00:23:15,456 [  13969]   INFO - m.codeWithMe.CodeWithMeCleanup - found 0 Code With Me client system folders to check
2022-01-28 00:23:15,460 [  13973]   INFO - m.codeWithMe.CodeWithMeCleanup - found 0 Code With Me client config folders to check
2022-01-28 00:23:15,461 [  13974]   INFO - m.codeWithMe.CodeWithMeCleanup - keep only [] major versions
2022-01-28 00:23:15,930 [  14443]   INFO - ion.PackageVersionRangeMatcher - Matching 35 done in 114 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:16,787 [  15300]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Scanning completed for bc. Number of scanned files: 11382; Number of files for indexing: 1 took 1661ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:16,792 [  15305]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Use 4 indexing threads for indexing of bc
2022-01-28 00:23:16,856 [  15369]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Finished for bc. Unindexed files update took 64ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok
2022-01-28 00:23:16,856 [  15369]   INFO - - File type index snapshot dropped
2022-01-28 00:23:17,183 [  15696]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Code' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 48 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,184 [  15697]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Laravel' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 49 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,258 [  15771]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Refactor' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 123 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,293 [  15806]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Navigate' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 158 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,343 [  15856]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Run' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 207 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,360 [  15873]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Tools' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 225 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,362 [  15875]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Window' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 226 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,387 [  15900]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Help' preloaded at 'MainMenu' in 251 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,451 [  15964]   INFO - .script.IdeScriptEngineManager - javax.script.ScriptEngineManager initialized in 132 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,557 [  16070]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Project View Popup Menu' preloaded at 'ProjectViewPopup' in 406 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:17,746 [  16259]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Editor Popup Menu' preloaded at 'EditorPopup' in 597 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:18,617 [  17130]   INFO - egistry.NpmRegistryServiceImpl - Found 28 dist-tags, 168 versions for @types/lodash in 147ms
2022-01-28 00:23:21,956 [  20469]   INFO -                 Symfony-Plugin - new instance: fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.dic.XmlServiceParser
2022-01-28 00:23:21,957 [  20470]   INFO -                 Symfony-Plugin - update: fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin.dic.XmlServiceParser
2022-01-28 00:23:26,230 [  24743]   INFO - nSession$CountedThreadExecutor - DbSrcWriter stopped
2022-01-28 00:23:29,058 [  27571]   INFO - rationStore.ComponentStoreImpl - Saving Project(name=bc, containerState=COMPONENT_CREATED, componentStore=/home/somebody/projects/bc)RunManager took 20 ms
2022-01-28 00:23:31,050 [  29563]   INFO - System.impl.PopupMenuPreloader - Popup menu 'Editor Popup Menu' preloaded at 'EditorPopup' in 29 ms
g105b commented 2 years ago

I've been experiencing the same issue, but in PhpStorm. Not sure what the difference between PhpStorm and Laravel-idea is, but it looks like the generics support isn't handled for interfaces or traits. Would love it if someone could show me how.

stolentine commented 2 years ago

I've been experiencing the same issue, but in PhpStorm. Not sure what the difference between PhpStorm and Laravel-idea is, but it looks like the generics support isn't handled for interfaces or traits. Would love it if someone could show me how.

If the Laravel Idea is disabled, then PhpStorm determines the type normally.