laravel-shift / blueprint

A code generation tool for Laravel developers.
MIT License
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Incorrect faker provider generated from column defined as "name: enum" #691

Open runofthemill opened 3 months ago

runofthemill commented 3 months ago


It's possible this is intended behavior, but feels more like a bug?

If I define a model with a column name of name and a type enum

    name: enum:one,two,three

I would expect the generated factory definition to look like this

return [
  'name' => $this->faker->randomElement(["one","two","three"]),

but instead I get

return [
  'name' => $this->faker->name(),

Looks like the FactoryGenerator looks for an implicit match before an explicit one:


composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
cd example-app
composer require -W --dev laravel-shift/blueprint
php artisan blueprint:new
# fill in draft.yaml as above
php artisan blueprint:build

As a workaround I can easily change the name of the column, but as-is the generated migration ends up with $table->enum('name', ["one","two","three"]);, so if nothing else, the logic seems to differ a bit between the Factory and Migration generators ¯\_(ツ)_/¯