laravel-zero / laravel-zero

A PHP framework for console artisans
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Error while trying to build phar file #492

Open alfhh opened 3 months ago

alfhh commented 3 months ago


I'm currently facing an issue while trying to build the a phar.

This is the error that I'm getting:

  The command "'./box' 'compile' '--working-dir=/Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli' '--config=/Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/box.json'" failed.

Working directory: /Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin

Error: proc_open(): posix_spawn() failed: No such file or directory

I faced this issue with an existing project but I also face this problem if I start a brand new project following the installation instructions.

Things that I have tried:

My guess is that I'm missing something in the setup piece, but I followed the available documentation, if there is a gap in the installation guide I'm happy to raise a PR once I get this to work.

Any guidance? Thanks!!1

owenvoke commented 3 months ago

Just to check if it's a Box issue, does it build if you run:

vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box compile --config box.json

You should end up with a file called movie-cli.phar in the root directory.

Can also add a --debug option if it doesn't work, to get some further information.

Also, could you provide some information on your setup? Which OS and PHP version are you using?

alfhh commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the reply @owenvoke.

Still failing and phar file is not created, but I got a different error message:

Box version 4.6.2@29c3585 2024-04-23 19:35:41 UTC

 // Loading the configuration file "box.json".
 [ERROR] The configuration file is invalid.

In Assert.php line 1012:

  The file "/Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/builds/movie-cli" does not exist.

Is weird to see this error since my box.json file is present.

Project structure:




Full Stacktrace:

vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box compile --config box.json --debug
[debug] Changed the memory limit from "128MB" to "512M"
[debug] Checking BOX_ALLOW_XDEBUG
[debug] phar.readonly is enabled
[debug] The Xdebug extension is not loaded
[debug] Configured `phar.readonly=0`
[debug] Process restarting (BOX_ALLOW_XDEBUG=internal||1|*|*)
[debug] Running: [/usr/local/Cellar/php/8.3.7/bin/php, vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box, compile, --config, box.json, --debug]
[debug] Current memory limit: "512MB"
[debug] Checking BOX_ALLOW_XDEBUG
[debug] Restarted (127 ms). The Xdebug extension is not loaded

   / __ )____  _  __
  / __  / __ \| |/_/
 / /_/ / /_/ />  <

Box version 4.6.2@29c3585 2024-04-23 19:35:41 UTC

 // Loading the configuration file "box.json".

 [ERROR] The configuration file is invalid.

In Assert.php line 1012:

  The file "/Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/builds/movie-cli" does not exist.

Exception trace:
  at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/webmozart/assert/src/Assert.php:1012
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Webmozart\Assert\Assert::reportInvalidArgument() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/webmozart/assert/src/Assert.php:691
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Webmozart\Assert\Assert::fileExists() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/webmozart/assert/src/Assert.php:696
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Webmozart\Assert\Assert::file() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/src/Configuration/Configuration.php:786
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\KevinGH\Box\Configuration\Configuration::retrieveMainScriptPath() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/src/Configuration/Configuration.php:147
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\KevinGH\Box\Configuration\Configuration::create() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/src/Configuration/ConfigurationLoader.php:21
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\KevinGH\Box\Configuration\ConfigurationLoader->loadFile() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/src/Console/ConfigurationLoader.php:22
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\KevinGH\Box\Console\ConfigurationLoader::getConfig() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/src/Console/Command/ConfigOption.php:22
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\KevinGH\Box\Console\Command\ConfigOption::getConfig() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/src/Console/Command/CompileCommand.php:115
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\KevinGH\Box\Console\Command\CompileCommand->execute() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/fidry/console/src/Bridge/Command/SymfonyCommand.php:69
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Fidry\Console\Bridge\Command\SymfonyCommand->execute() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:151
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:690
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:230
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:123
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/vendor/fidry/console/src/Application/ApplicationRunner.php:39
 _HumbugBoxc5dcacdc09f0\Fidry\Console\Application\ApplicationRunner->run() at phar:///Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box/bin/box:47
 require() at /Users/ahinojosa/workspace/movie-cli/vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box:19
natanaelsinisalo commented 3 months ago

I'm having exactly the same issue with:

laravel-zero/foundation v11.5.0 laravel-zero/framework v11.0.1 PHP 8.3.7

owenvoke commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I completely forgot to get back to this. I was able to replicate it locally.

Unfortunately, I don't have time at the moment to investigate it further though. I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the current working directory that Box runs in (possibly due to the binary being re-run).

natanaelsinisalo commented 3 months ago

No worries. I downgraded my project back to laravel-zero 10 and build seems to work now fine. I might try to debug and create a PR to resolve this issue next weekend if someone else haven't had time to fix it before that 🙃

SamuelMwangiW commented 3 months ago

I also ran into the same issue. Running vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box compile --config box.json works successfully. I figured therefore it maybe the box command is being run from the wrong path.

As a temporary workaround, I created a symlink in the CWD with which worked for me

ln vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box box
mho22 commented 2 months ago

@owenvoke the issue occurs in BuildCommand file in compile method on line 152.

laravel-zero/framework/src/Commands/BuildCommand.php on line 152

foreach (tap($process)->start() as $type => $data) {

In fact, the $process returns and exception because it can't find the ./box path.

I dug deeper and found out that the Process->start method in file Process.php uses @proc_open and this one, even if it uses the $this->cwd attribute, doesn't find the ./box path.

symfony/process/Process.php on line 363 :

$process = @proc_open($commandline, $descriptors, $this->processPipes->pipes, $this->cwd, $envPairs, $this->options);

$process is false .

It works if you add this line before @proc_open :

$commandline[0] = "$this->cwd/$commandline[0]";

$process = @proc_open($commandline, $descriptors, $this->processPipes->pipes, $this->cwd, $envPairs, $this->options);

So it seems that @proc_open doesn't take $this->cwd into account. I don't know why.

And this is probably linked with PHP8.3 and this link could possibly be the reason.

alfhh commented 2 months ago

Thanks for all the comments on this thread!

I was able to unblock my build by using this workaround, thank you @SamuelMwangiW

I also ran into the same issue. Running vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box compile --config box.json works successfully. I figured therefore it maybe the box command is being run from the wrong path.

As a temporary workaround, I created a symlink in the CWD with which worked for me

ln vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box box