laravel / cashier-stripe

Laravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's subscription billing services.
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Cannot declare class CreateSubscriptionsTable, because the name is already in use in #755

Closed SlyDave closed 5 years ago

SlyDave commented 5 years ago


Upgrading from Cashier 9 to 10 when migrations have already been applied causes funky behaviour.

  1. You can't do php artisan migrate without it failing due to the subscription table already existing
  2. If you so happen to have named your original migration from pre v10 the same as the included ones in cashier, it will fail to migrate up or down with PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class CreateSubscriptionsTable, because the name is already in use in path\to\project\vendor\laravel\cashier\database\migrations\2019_05_03_000002_create_subscriptions_table.php on line 41
  3. The migration for payee details assume it's being applied to the users model, this is not always the case (CASHIER_MODEL=)
SlyDave commented 5 years ago

some of this is resolved by publishing the migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="cashier-migrations"

and I guess .1 above is solved by emptying the migration and having them as stubs...

SlyDave commented 5 years ago

There is one unfortunate side effect of this that isn't as easily overcome.

The original migration that was used before the migration was bundled has the same class name...

If I change the published migration, the package will use it's own version again. If I change my migration, it'll be seen as a new migration.

In my case, because I'm changing the CASHIER_MODEL I'm going to disable migrations from Cashier, and I can simply not use the published migrations. But for people not changing the model, this will present a difficult to overcome problem.

They will have to update their migration class name and filename to be different, then manually changed the migrations table setting the 'migration' to the new name.

SlyDave commented 5 years ago

That ignores all migrations, current and future. So isn't an ideal solution. Best I've found for people upgrading is to stub the initial migration with empty content.

This isn't an issue for fresh installs, just for people upgrading that already have a migration file to set up cashier.