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Laravel9 \URL::forceScheme('https') Partial Failure #41452

Closed Purek closed 2 years ago

Purek commented 2 years ago


I passed AppServiceProvider in the boot() method to achieve https

if($this->app->environment('production')) {

Mailbox verification will now return 403 invalid signature

I try in vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator.php

    public function hasCorrectSignature(Request $request, $absolute = true, array $ignoreQuery = [])
        $ignoreQuery[] = 'signature';
        $url = $absolute ? $request->url() : '/'.$request->path();
        $queryString = collect(explode('&', $request->server->get('QUERY_STRING')))
            ->reject(fn ($parameter) => in_array(Str::before($parameter, '='), $ignoreQuery))
        $original = rtrim($url.'?'.$queryString, '?');
        $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $original, call_user_func($this->keyResolver));

        dd($signature . " :: " . $request->query('signature', ''));

        return hash_equals($signature, (string) $request->query('signature', ''));

I found that the two values are different. I further found that it is because the value passed by $request->url() is http://

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. .env APP_URL=https:xxx
  2. passed AppServiceProvider in the boot()
    if($this->app->environment('production')) {

    3.Send email link


driesvints commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for reporting but it looks like this is a question which can be asked on a support channel. Please only use this issue tracker for reporting bugs with the library itself. If you have a question on how to use functionality provided by this repo you can try one of the following channels:

However, this issue will not be locked and everyone is still free to discuss solutions to your problem!
