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Fix and improve WSL process #1949

Closed MichaelBelgium closed 4 months ago

MichaelBelgium commented 5 months ago

As every feature has this

if [ -f ~/.homestead-features/wsl_user_name ]; then
    WSL_USER_NAME="$(cat ~/.homestead-features/wsl_user_name)"
    WSL_USER_GROUP="$(cat ~/.homestead-features/wsl_user_group)"

The bin/wsl-init script does not create the homestead-features folder and neither the wsl_user_name/wsl_user_group file.

This PR "starts to fix" the command bin/homestead wsl:apply-features basicly, but I noticed there are more references to /home/vagrant in the features files. I believe they all have to be /home/$WSL_USER_NAME no?


This command would fail because /home/vagrant doesnt exist, except if the WSL user is called "vagrant". Would it be ok to replace all these references too?

EDIT: meanwhile changed all references.

This also covers the stuff i encountered here last year

The above, to provision and configure WSL with Ubuntu, is bit outdated now too. It should be ubuntu 22.04 now, and the commands should be executed in this order, with sudo - after installing and logging in WSL/ubuntu 22.04:

sudo bin/wsl-init
sudo bin/homestead wsl:apply-features
sudo bin/homestead wsl:create-sites
sudo bin/homestead wsl:create-databases
karmendra commented 4 months ago

What's the plan with this PR?

Actually I am working on more features for WSL provisioning, and all these changes seems to make sense. If there isn't any plan to merge this PR soon I will copy these changes to my branch manually.

Note that there are few conflicts to be fixed.

MichaelBelgium commented 4 months ago

Without this PR homestead + WSL simply doesn't work properly, so it's kinda priority in my eyes and wanna see this merged in asap

Then you also can pull it into your fork and work on the provisioning more @karmendra

PS: solved the merge conflict

karmendra commented 4 months ago

@MichaelBelgium I've noticed another discrepancy in wsl-init: MySQL isn't being installed. The issue arises because there's currently no script to handle MySQL installation afterward. My understanding, based on the Vagrant installation and the settlers, is that Vagrant provisions with MySQL by default. If a user later updates the Homestead.yaml file to install MariaDB, it then uninstalls MySQL and installs MariaDB instead.

In light of this, I propose two potential solutions:

We maintain the current behavior in wsl-init by including MySQL installation. We offer an option to install MySQL later by adding a script to remove MariaDB and install MySQL 8.

What are your thoughts?

MichaelBelgium commented 4 months ago

@karmendra Yeah correct, wsl-init expects mysql already being installed before running the file itself

I changed that in this PR to execute the feature bash file but it's in there too

I assume the command will fail but provisioning will not

We maintain the current behavior in wsl-init by including MySQL installation. We offer an option to install MySQL later by adding a script to remove MariaDB and install MySQL 8. What are your thoughts?

These separate feature (bash) files are extremely useful for WSL provisioning to be honest.

Eg I saw that the mailpit feature got removed (#1933) because - just like mysql - it's included in the vagrant base box, but what if i want mailpit in WSL? I can't because the script is gone. (Ofcourse i can manually grab said mailpit script, and it would work tho after changing homestead yml)

Perhaps there needs to be a decision whether or not the included base box features should be a seperate feature script (again). Just because homestead users are not only using vagrant now.

My initial thought is putting mysql as a feature/script, calling that bash file from wsl-init as default database engine. Or hear me out .... perhaps asking the user which database technology in the wsl-init script and then running the mysql or mariadb script accordingly

The behaviour to remove mysql or mariadb could be included in the mariadb or mysql file. We can check if mysql feature or mariadb feature is installed and if so, remove it

Like so:

if [ -f /home/$WSL_USER_NAME/.homestead-features/mysql]; then
    apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" remove -y --purge mysql-server mysql-client
    apt-get autoremove -y
    apt-get autoclean

    rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
    rm -rf /var/log/mysql
    rm -rf /etc/mysql
karmendra commented 4 months ago

I believe MySQL should be included in the wsl-init script, as it's part of the default software list in the documentation. We can also add a feature script ( for users who wish to switch from MariaDB back to MySQL.

If you refer to the settlers/ script, you'll notice that MySQL is installed by default.

According to the Laravel documentation for Homestead, the list of default packages installed in Homestead is outlined here.

Currently, WSL does not install the following software, and users need to be aware of it. We should provide an option to install these as features eventually by writing feature installation scripts:


Taking all this into consideration, I will update the wsl-init script to include MySQL by default, instead of MariaDB, and also create a feature script to install MySQL later.

karmendra commented 4 months ago

@svpernova09 Hello Joe, what are your thoughts regarding this PR?

svpernova09 commented 4 months ago

@svpernova09 Hello Joe, what are your thoughts regarding this PR?

Apologies I've not had time to get to this. ETA would be late next week.

karmendra commented 4 months ago

No problem at all, it's great to hear from you. My PR will be ready for review by next week as well. Thanks, and have a fantastic time ahead!

MichaelBelgium commented 4 months ago


I believe MySQL should be included in the wsl-init script, as it's part of the default software list in the documentation. We can also add a feature script ( for users who wish to switch from MariaDB back to MySQL.

Fine for me! Creating the feature script and let wsl init call that script will be the cleanest

If you refer to the settlers/ script, you'll notice that MySQL is installed by default.

According to the Laravel documentation for Homestead, the list of default packages installed in Homestead is outlined here.

What we're doing about mysql <> mariadb, we're gonna have to do the same with apache <> nginx no? I see that the settler script installs apache by default too, but the docs say apache is optional. And nginx is being installed also? Why would anyone want 2 kind of webservers locally?

Also in my opinion, there's way too much default software being installed, In my case i'd have to uninstall a lot more than installing if the WSL init script follows the settler script. I like how minimal my WSL environment is right now

I would at least propose to not default install

Currently, WSL does not install the following software, and users need to be aware of it. We should provide an option to install these as features eventually by writing feature installation scripts

Agree, for most of them there is already a script

karmendra commented 4 months ago

Hi @MichaelBelgium,

I have created a Draft PR,

Have a look at it. Let me know your opinion.

One thing I didn't make any changes in wsl-init, instead created new file But in the final PR i want to replace wsl-init with

Thanks, Karmendra

svpernova09 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the ton of work that's gone into this.

RE: MySQL or Maria DB? We should follow Settler's lead in a build-time configuration that users can override to get exactly what they want.

The purpose of WSL-INIT is to be a lightweight alternative. I don't want every PHP version installed typically, this should easily be a runtime option.

So we would have something at the top of the wsl-init that would be ~



echo "### Build Configuration ###"
echo "ARCH               = ${ARCH}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_83     = ${INSTALL_PHP_83}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_82     = ${INSTALL_PHP_82}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_81     = ${INSTALL_PHP_81}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_80     = ${INSTALL_PHP_80}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_74     = ${INSTALL_PHP_74}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_73     = ${INSTALL_PHP_73}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_72     = ${INSTALL_PHP_72}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_71     = ${INSTALL_PHP_71}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_70     = ${INSTALL_PHP_70}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_56     = ${INSTALL_PHP_56}"
echo "### Build Configuration ###"

Then we can wrap the installer scripts around the feature checks. Thoughts?

karmendra commented 4 months ago

Hi @svpernova09 Shelter's build-time configuration may not fit our current user workflow. Users are accustomed to modifying provisioning based on the YAML file rather than directly altering the wsl-init script, which could be complex for them.

I suggest maintaining wsl-init as lightweight as it is, with MySQL as the default database. Users can opt to install MariaDB if required, streamlining the setup process.

In my draft PR I have added the documentation for wsl installation, I have tried to maintain what I suggested above.

Update: As a second thought, instead of following steps to provision wsl.

sudo ./bin/wsl-init
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:features
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:sites
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:databases
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:folders

we can change the steps to following:

- Now modify the Homestead.yaml to decide the features to be installed. at this point they decide to install the versions of php, database to be installed. wsl-init should be able to read the yaml file for this information.

sudo ./bin/wsl-init
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:features
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:sites
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:databases
sudo ./bin/homestead wsl:folders
MichaelBelgium commented 4 months ago

Hi @MichaelBelgium,

I have created a Draft PR, #1956

Have a look at it. Let me know your opinion.

One thing I didn't make any changes in wsl-init, instead created new file But in the final PR i want to replace wsl-init with

Thanks, Karmendra

Cool, will check it out later!

Thanks for the ton of work that's gone into this.

RE: MySQL or Maria DB? We should follow Settler's lead in a build-time configuration that users can override to get exactly what they want.

The purpose of WSL-INIT is to be a lightweight alternative. I don't want every PHP version installed typically, this should easily be a runtime option.

So we would have something at the top of the wsl-init that would be ~



echo "### Build Configuration ###"
echo "ARCH               = ${ARCH}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_83     = ${INSTALL_PHP_83}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_82     = ${INSTALL_PHP_82}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_81     = ${INSTALL_PHP_81}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_80     = ${INSTALL_PHP_80}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_74     = ${INSTALL_PHP_74}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_73     = ${INSTALL_PHP_73}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_72     = ${INSTALL_PHP_72}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_71     = ${INSTALL_PHP_71}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_70     = ${INSTALL_PHP_70}"
echo "INSTALL_PHP_56     = ${INSTALL_PHP_56}"
echo "### Build Configuration ###"

Then we can wrap the installer scripts around the feature checks. Thoughts?

Those script variables look the same as setting the feature to true in homestead.yml. If thats the case, a WSL user should edit homestead.yml and wsl-init before deploying ? I'd keep it with one file though

In my opinion, the only things that are located in wsl-init should be things that are going to be installed by default. Eg mysql and php 8.3 at least. No questions asked (other than wsl user and group), just execute the thing.

Execute, boom, you got 8.3 and mysql on your wsl instance. Then if the user wants more php versions or other database engine, edit the features in homestead.yaml

I feel like this approach would be easier?

Ok random thought with the deploy variables, if you want to make it a choice, whether or not default things get installed, might aswell make a feature script for them too and on deploy don't install php 8.3 / mysql but let the user decide it in homstead.yaml

I don't know, there's a lot of approaches 😅 My focus is on re-usability of the feature scripts, quick deploy and use advantage of the /home/$WSL_USER_NAME/.homestead-features folder to check for installed features to install/uninstall other features

karmendra commented 4 months ago

One concern I've noticed is the lack of uninstall scripts for software other than MySQL and MariaDB.

Presently, when MariaDB is set to true in the YAML configuration, it uninstalls MySQL and installs itself, as they cannot run simultaneously. Similarly, in my pull request where I added the MySQL feature script, I followed the same approach: uninstalling MariaDB before installing MySQL.

Do we need to have uninstall scripts to remove features if user changes feature from true to false?

svpernova09 commented 4 months ago

Do we need to have uninstall scripts to remove features if user changes feature from true to false?

No, not at all. This is a weird situation for the WSL because in Vagrant-land you would just delete the VM and re-provision. This isn't nearly as possible in WSL. In my opinion feature uninstallation is going to be a nightmare and likely leave a mess of things. I don't want to debug a 4th or 5th set of installations and uninstallations.

svpernova09 commented 4 months ago

One concern I've noticed is the lack of uninstall scripts for software other than MySQL and MariaDB.

The only reason there is an uninstall of MySQL is because it can't coexist on the same system (easily) with MariaDB. To install MariaDB we have to purge MySQL.

svpernova09 commented 4 months ago

Merging this into a wsl-rework branch for testing and 🔨-ing