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[Lumen] Adding development artisan commands (the ones from laravel) into Lumen #1142

Open d-pollard opened 6 years ago

d-pollard commented 6 years ago

I understand the need to strip out all the unnecessary features and capabilities from Laravel to make Lumen, but I can't help but feel like some features, like the artisan make commands, should be included in Lumen.

Laravel developers, such as myself, greatly appreciate how easy (and fast!) the commands make development. Being able to generate a controller, model AND migration in a single command is really helpful.

I just truly don't understand taking out a feature that enhances development and has little to no effect on the framework.

Maybe I'm missing something here, if so, feel free to fill me in.

johan-steffens commented 6 years ago

I'm indifferent to them moving these commands out of the framework, but I can understand their reasoning behind it purely because Lumen's primary goal is to continuously provide the most streamlined and performant microframework, and any additional code would impact that performance.

If as a developer you still want to use those commands, there's quite a few third-party libraries available that will put them back. It takes 5 minutes to set up when initially creating a new project, and from there it works exactly the same as with Laravel.

Check out lumen-make to get back your usual make commands, lumen-tinker to add back the tinker command, and you can also check out awesome-lumen for a bigger list of essential third-party libraries specifically made for Lumen.

d-pollard commented 6 years ago

@johan-steffens I understand the need to strip it down for performance, but I don't see how the development tools affect performance. It just seems counter productive to take the tools that make laravel so powerful, out. Most developers working with Lumen have used Laravel and artisan, so why take out the development tools we've gotten accustom to.

Don't get me wrong, I use the third-party package to supplement, I just would like the feature to come native with the framework.

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