laravel / ideas

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[proposal] The function data_set and data_fill 's parameter ‘value’ support Closure. #2091

Open kaiscol opened 4 years ago

kaiscol commented 4 years ago

I don't know It is a necessary feature.(But I think there should be many scenarios that need to be used in this way.) Please see an example below:

                "license_plate_number":"ABC 123"
                "license_plate_number":"DEF 456"
                "license_plate_number":"GHI 123"
                "license_plate_number":"JKL 456"

change to

                "license_plate_number":"ABC ***"
                "license_plate_number":"DEF ***"
                "license_plate_number":"GHI ***"
                "license_plate_number":"JKL ***"

if the data_set and data_fill support value of Closure. I can do that:

data_set($data, '*.telephone', function($originValue){
    // do something
data_set($data, '*.cars.*.license_plate_number', function($originValue){
    // do something
kaiscol commented 4 years ago

I hope someone could discuss this issue and I'm pleased to code for this issue.