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Filesystem: Add temporary (local) disk to standard framework scaffolding #2486

Open Anticom opened 3 years ago

Anticom commented 3 years ago

It would be nice to have a standardized temporary disk (preferably local by default).

Here's my reasoning: We're hosting our laravel application in a k8s cluster and to our best knowledge it's a bad idea to have a shared volume for the entire storage disk since (at least in theory) it could cause issues with rolling upgrades on existing deployments. Now additionally we're using maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel. This package is storing its temporary files to storage_path('framework/laravel-excel'). Since we don't want to put storage_path('framework') on the shared volume because of the directories contained within it there's no way we can have a horizontally scalable deployment of this application without explicitly putting storage_path('framework/laravel-excel') in a shared volume explicitly.

IMHO it would be a much more elegant solution to promote a temporary disk as a framework standard so 3rd party developers could rely on its existence. Then we could easily just share storage_path('tmp') in a volume and have our application scale horizontally with ease.