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Accessing wrap functions from DB facade #2509

Open louisgab opened 3 years ago

louisgab commented 3 years ago

Hey Laravel Team,

I needed to use the orderByRaw method as it seems to be the way to put null values last : order by -column desc (notice the '-'). For that purpose, I used a integer column named 'order', which works beautifully with orderBy('order', 'desc').

But when I moved to the orderByRaw('-order desc') way, I realized it no longer wraps the column names ("of course it's raw!"): MySql was lost 'order by order', uh oh...

I looked for a clean way to do it, I mean I tried to find the way Laravel does it with the orderBy and others methods. I came up to find the DB::getQueryGrammar()->wrap() method, so my builder now looks like this: orderBy('-? ?', [DB::getQueryGrammar()->wrap('order'), 'desc'])

Am I wrong ? If not, maybe it could be a good thing to document it, and maybe add an easier shortcut like DB::wrap($column) (and maybe wrapTable?). I can PR if you would.