laravel / jetstream

Tailwind scaffolding for the Laravel framework.
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Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\CreatesNewUsers] is not instantiable. #83

Closed Avvernio closed 4 years ago

Avvernio commented 4 years ago

Running on latest Xampp build (windows) using Vhost


On a new laravel 8 dev environment upon trying to registering and submitting the form the "Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\CreatesNewUsers] is not instantiable." error appears

Steps To Reproduce:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel8 dev-develop composer require laravel/jetstream php artisan jetstream:install livewire npm install && npm run dev php artisan migrate

Avvernio commented 4 years ago

just to be sure i made another clean copy, same result

stack trace:

andersondeoliveiramachado commented 4 years ago

It happened in my test here too

andersondeoliveiramachado commented 4 years ago

just to be sure i made another clean copy, same result

stack trace:


Avvernio commented 4 years ago

Thanks @andersondeoliveiramachado solution was the correct one for me as well.

abdessamadely commented 4 years ago

Well it looks like if you don't use fortify with jetstream (or in this case not registering jetstream views) you need to register your own views, in my case was:

Fortify::loginView(function () {
    return view('auth.login');

Fortify::registerView(function () {
    return view('auth.register');
king-team-du-net commented 4 years ago


On a new laravel 8 development environment, when trying to change the password

Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\RequestPasswordResetLinkViewResponse] is not instantiable.

Fortify::requestPasswordResetLinkView(function () { return view('auth.forgot-password'); });


bedus-creation commented 3 years ago

One thing that I am missing over here while using fortify without jetstream is to forget registration of FortifyServiceProvider.

// app.php