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Multiple panels in edit too #29

Closed cloudstudio closed 5 years ago

cloudstudio commented 5 years ago

Hey ! we can create multiple panels, but just in show view, could be nice if this work in edit too.

It would be nice to have it also separated into panels when editing, so you can make more beautiful / usable panels.

Thanks guys !

edit show

MattMangoni commented 5 years ago

This would be awesome.

stuartmccord commented 5 years ago

It would be great if you could also define side panels, that sit on the right hand side and take up about 20% width or less. I think it would work well for something like a status select box that doesn't need the width of main fields.

FreekVR commented 5 years ago

+1 for this, especially nice for really large models. Perhaps even make them collapsible in the process?

ChristopherDosin commented 5 years ago

Not just in edit mode, also for the create mode it would be nice to have those panels 👍

cloudstudio commented 5 years ago

@kayyyy yep ! i mind in all modes :P

Maybe in the future, but tabs / cards / side / sizes, could be perfect, i think with this 4 options, we can make beautiful views.

taylorotwell commented 5 years ago

This repository is for tracking bugs. Feature requests may be emailed to Nova customer support.

cloudstudio commented 5 years ago

@taylorotwell we just follow instructions

captura de pantalla 2018-09-08 a las 13 19 34

David-Griffiths commented 5 years ago

Would be nice to have a public area for feature requests.

dillingham commented 5 years ago

Also maybe relations

MarouaneSH commented 5 years ago

+1, I need this to

simonfunk commented 5 years ago

+1, me too

avs262 commented 5 years ago


cloudstudio commented 5 years ago

@bonzai @davidhemphill hello ! news about this ? its planed since Aug, any chance ? :P

Thanks !

nenads commented 5 years ago


kirya-dev commented 5 years ago


carloshc commented 5 years ago


wimurk commented 5 years ago

+1 awesome

rikless commented 5 years ago


David-Griffiths commented 5 years ago


tripex commented 5 years ago

Is this implemented or still just planned?

kirya-dev commented 5 years ago

Is this implemented or still just planned?

seems they simple added special Element named as Heading

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

+1 for having the panels on edit and create as well.

ilikourou commented 5 years ago

+1 for panels on edit/create pages.

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

+1 for panels on edit view as well.

It also gets a problem when using Panels + Heading fields for the details view, because on the edit view only the Heading fields will be shown, which often doesn't make sense anymore because of the missing grouping headline with the Panel names.

kgp43 commented 5 years ago

+1 for panels on edit/create pages.

preliot commented 5 years ago

+1, would make allot of sense.

I use panels to seperate information, looks great on a detail screen. When i try to edit this information, Panels are ignored and one big screen is shown. This is troublesome, because i group information with a title. This is what i mean:

Variable Orgizational Structure

... Locations: true Departments: true ...

On my detailscreen this works perfectly. However when i edit this information, the panel (with header) is missing and the options as standalone items don't make any sense.


Use panels on edit screen or give developer an option to do so, for example: ->withPanels()

bolechen commented 5 years ago

I use the eminiarts/nova-tabs package( to achieve this method, this package can spilt fields into different tabs like this:

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

Oh, that's interesting. Need to give it a try. Wonder how it behaves with validation errors. (Showing them on the current tab, switches tab etc.)

preliot commented 5 years ago

I use the eminiarts/nova-tabs package( to achieve this method, this package can spilt fields into different tabs like this:

@bolechen Tried it yesterday in latest Nova, but it did only work on the detail screen. My edit screen looked the same as the default nova panels. Strange.

christophrumpel commented 5 years ago

It also works in edit view:

preliot commented 5 years ago

It also works in edit view:

My mistake. Missed the part where i had to explicitly add a trait: use Eminiarts\Tabs\TabsOnEdit;

ArmeniaH commented 5 years ago


gavinhewitt commented 3 years ago

It's been more than a year. Any news on this?

kirya-dev commented 3 years ago

Im invented own kirya-dev/admin with panels. Its working good for me

gavinhewitt commented 3 years ago

Im invented own kirya-dev/admin with panels. Its working good for me

That is awesome... for you. It doesn't solve anything for Nova.