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lens action with showOnTableRow() causes 404 if action in question not defined on parent resource #2947

Closed vesper8 closed 3 years ago

vesper8 commented 3 years ago


Pretty sure I found a bug here.

I have a User resource with some actions but not the lens action in question. My user resource has a lens. If I add an action inside my lens I get a 404 when trying to execute the action with ->showOnTableRow()

Interestingly, if I don't use ->showOnTableRow() in my lens action, then it does work.

If I include this same action on my parent resource, then the lens action also works.

This is my action call

            (new \App\Nova\Actions\User\Test\NewMessage)
            ->canRun(function ($request, $model) {
                return true;
            ->canSee(function () {
                return true;

The action itself is a blank that doesn't do anything except logging for the moment.

tldr: if parent resource has no actions, and lens action uses ->showOnTableRow(), then the action causes a 404 route not found

crynobone commented 3 years ago

@vesper8 to confirm, v3.12.1 introduce few changes to fixes action usage on Lens but it require some update to the published js. Have you run artisan nova:publish.

Also would be nice if you can share reproducing code, thank you.

vesper8 commented 3 years ago

@crynobone I'm setup so that every time I run composer install/update it auto-publishes so yes nova:publish has been run

Really don't think this is a js/front-end issue

crynobone commented 3 years ago

CleanShot 2020-10-26 at 08 14 19

Tried reproducing the issue on a fresh Nova Install, unable to reproduce the issue.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

I also faced the same error on my existing project which I can't reproduce on a brand new project. But I found something. In my existing project, lens-specific actions with onlyOnTableRow() method on them, use the following URL:


But on the new project actions in the same condition are using the following URL:


For sure, lens-specific actions can't be found among user's actions and it should respond 404. But, the question is why it tries to find them there? I also recreated action in my existing project and only copy-pasted fields and handle logic and faced the same result (404).

@crynobone Do you have any idea how can I debug this?

It worth mentioning I'm using v3.14.0 of laravel/nova and v7.29.2 of laravel/framework.

crynobone commented 3 years ago

There multiple fixes that been push between 3.15 to 3.17, you should update the code the latest version.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

@crynobone I've upgraded to the latest version, but I'm still facing the same issue.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

After the upgrade, I've created a new Nova resource on my existing model, a new lens, and a new action to be used only in the lens and with onlyOnTableRow() on it. I still get 404. I don't understand what's wrong and why it should use a wrong URL?

crynobone commented 3 years ago

create a new issue detailing where exactly is the issue, with code example. There nothing to follow right now because I can't reproduce the issue on described above and there not enough info from you to work on.

crynobone commented 3 years ago

I don't understand what's wrong and why it should use a wrong URL?


This is the correct URL, not the old one. Again as I said we done multiple fixes on Lens.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

@crynobone I like to do so, but I can't reproduce it on a new project too. It's only on my existing project which I can't share because of my company's policy.

In my existing project, if I try to execute a lens-specific action from the table row, it uses the wrong URL (like it's trying to locate the action among the resource's actions):


So it errors 404.

I don't understand what's wrong and why it should use a wrong URL?


This is the correct URL, not the old one. Again as I said we done multiple fixes on Lens.

IKR, but I don't know why nova uses the wrong one???

crynobone commented 3 years ago

CleanShot 2020-12-20 at 15 10 27

Tested the code again and everything still working.

In my existing project, if I try to execute a lens-specific action from the table row, it uses the wrong URL (like it's trying to locate the action among the resource's actions):

You told me you're using 3.14.0, this is an old version and doesn't have the updated code. Please upgrade to the latest version.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

CleanShot 2020-12-20 at 15 10 27

Tested the code again and everything still working.

In my existing project, if I try to execute a lens-specific action from the table row, it uses the wrong URL (like it's trying to locate the action among the resource's actions):

You told me you're using 3.14.0, this is an old version and doesn't have the updated code. Please upgrade to the latest version.

I did:

@crynobone I've upgraded to the latest version, but I'm still facing the same issue.

I ran composer update.

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Have you run php artisan nova:publish?

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

Have you run php artisan nova:publish?

I have a post-update script that does that automatically, However, I reran it. Still have the issue. :(

crynobone commented 3 years ago

You need to provide reproducing code, otherwise there nothing I can help out right now.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

I removed vendor and composer.lock and ran composer install along with clearing all caches and dump-autoload. I still have the issue.

I think I'm going to fix it by not using onlyOnTableRow(). Thanks for your time @crynobone.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

I looked at the Nova's source and I found the following in the HandleActions.js:

  method: 'post',
  url: this.endpoint || `/nova-api/${this.resourceName}/action`,
  params: this.actionRequestQueryString,
  data: this.actionFormData(),

based on my observations, I think this.endpoint is null so it fallback the other value. However, despite having yarn watch command running (I also copied webpack.mix.js.dist to webpack.mix.js), I can't get anything when I place console.log() in the source.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

@crynobone I found something that might help. I removed vendor directory and composer.lock again and ran composer update, followed by these commands:

> cd vendor/laravel/nova
> npm i
> mv webpack.mix.js.dist webpack.mix.js
> npm run dev
> cd -
> php artisan nova:publish

Then I tried to run my action again. I've seen the following in the console:


[Vue warn]: Property or method "actionsEndpoint" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. See:

found in

---> <InlineActionSelector> at resources/js/components/Index/InlineActionSelector.vue
             <LoadingView> at resources/js/components/LoadingView.vue
               <Card> at resources/js/components/Card.vue
                 <LoadingView> at resources/js/components/LoadingView.vue
                   <Lens> at resources/js/views/Lens.vue
crynobone commented 3 years ago

@TheSETJ vendor.js?id=0a6845b... is not the latest file.

For Laravel Nova v3.17.0 you should be getting the following:

    "/app.js": "/app.js?id=6186bc59b781c6a7e370",
    "/app.css": "/app.css?id=40717efbdd839ce5aad5",
    "/vendor.js": "/vendor.js?id=3810bf2033e3670b2acc",
    "/manifest.js": "/manifest.js?id=2d315777967b6001bcf1"
TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

@crynobone Well, what can I do more than removing the vendor directory and clearing all caches to achieve that? Am I missing something?

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Based on the error that's related to which was introduce in v3.12.1.

Still not enough information to replicate the issue.

crynobone commented 3 years ago

You can try looking at just in case there anything useful.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

This is my mix-manifest.json now:

    "/app.js": "/app.js?id=6186bc59b781c6a7e370",
    "/app.css": "/app.css?id=40717efbdd839ce5aad5",
    "/vendor.js": "/vendor.js?id=3810bf2033e3670b2acc",
    "/manifest.js": "/manifest.js?id=2d315777967b6001bcf1"

I created a new resource on top of one of an existing model, a new lens, and new action. I didn't use any inline policy like canSee or canRun on this new action. But I still get 404 because it's trying to locate action on the resource.

I don't know what's wrong with my project which leads to this situation though I reinstalled all packages from scratch multiple times today.

I wish I could provide a source for reproducing this.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

@crynobone Finally, I reproduced it on a new project:

I copied composer.json along with some of the configurations from my main project. Admin is the model used as the Nova user. You also need to have 2 databases. User model is being read from the other database which I defined its configurations under the name of resource-connection.

crynobone commented 3 years ago

I removed optimistdigital/nova-sortable and the action work again. The package override ResourceTableRow.vue and revert laravel/nova#1006 which cause your application to stop working.

TheSETJ commented 3 years ago

@crynobone Thanks, I upgraded to the latest version of the package, but the issue persists. So, I've reported the issue to the owner of the package.

vesper8 commented 3 years ago

I was using which also overrides resource-table-row so that must be why I was also having this issue