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502 Bad Gateway on reload with large filter string in URL query params #3094

Closed matthewjumpsoffbuildings closed 3 years ago

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago


I am finding that when the URL has a really long query string parameter on a detail page with several HasMany/Through relationships, since each filter for each of the related resources is appended to the query, when I reload the page I get a 502 Bad Gateway from nginx. Both on my local dev machine, as well as in Google App Engine.

Heres a gist of the kind of query string that is triggering the 502 -

I find if I simply delete the query string then it works again. Is there a way to turn off this query string behaviour? Or restrict its length?

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Can you share the filter used for to replicate the issue?

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Not really, its a complex setup with a lot of filters.

The resource I am viewing has two other resources attached to its detail page via a HasMany and a HasManyThrough

One of the attached resources has the following filters

return [
            'verified' => new VerifiedTrackFilter,
            'official' => new OfficialTrackFilter(true),
            'favourite' => new FavouriteFilter,
            'user' => new UserFilter,
            'gender' => new GenderFilter,
            'state' => new StateFilter,
            'age' => new AgeRangeFilter,
            'date' => new DateFilter('Vote Date Range Filter', 'votes'),
            'active' => new ActiveFilter('votes'),
            'advanced' => new AdvancedVoteFieldSearch

And the other has

    return [
            new UserFilter,
            new StateFilter,
            new GenderFilter,
            new AgeRangeFilter,
            new DateFilter('User Date Range', 'users'),
            new AdvancedUserFieldSearch

Without sharing the entire project, theres not much more I can say. Did you look at the gist I shared of the filter query params? Here is a gist of the unencoded version of the filter query params

crynobone commented 3 years ago

filter URL can't just be copy between different app, it require both to have the same filters. Even if I have the filter I need to be able to recreate the issue locally before I can submit a fix. Right now I'm not sure whether it's due to length of the filter string causing an issue (don't seem so since you can decode it) or the filters itself causing 502.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Of course I understand that you cant use my filter URL. I was hoping that you might be able to see an issue in the gist of the URL or the gist of the decoded URL

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

its the filter length. I did a test


And I get the 502. Obviously its an issue with nginx not allowing query strings of that length

crynobone commented 3 years ago

And I get the 502. Obviously its an issue with nginx not allowing query strings of that length

502 doesn't always mean query string length.

it could also happen when compiling a huge query and server can't manage it (yes happened to me in previous projects). So within additional information it hard to move forward with this.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

I literally just passed ?test=SOME_LONG_GIBBERISH

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

I just checked my nginx logs

020/12/03 01:20:41 [error] 244#0: *11721 upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

Its filled with these errors. So, the filter query string breaks nginx if it gets too long. You have all the info you need

Also this is a 502 bad gateway nginx error. Its not even hitting php/laravel, i see no logs in my laravel logs, its breaking at the nginx level. The issue is 100% the length of the query parameter.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Im guessing its not just the query params, nginx likely has a limit on the combined header size, including cookies, session data and query params

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Tested with the latest query string and indeed manage to cause the error, but not the first one.

However, it's in theory hard to change filters structure without introducing a major breaking change at the moment. Filter contains the actual class name as reference and it is done to allow filter to be used from App or any packages, so it doesn't have any uriKey() unliked resources, lenses or action.

We're open to any suggestion on how to handle this.

In the meantime, I tested some configuration provided based described in and it seem to work.

fastcgi_buffer_size 4096k;
fastcgi_buffers 128 4096k;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 4096k;
matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Yea I noticed that the param was encoding the entire qualified classnames in there. I guess one option would be if the class is in the default \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\ namespace, you could just use the class name? Eg if its \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\UserFilter it would just be UserFilter, which you would detect doesnt begin with \\ so you can assume its the default namespace. Then only include the fully qualified classname if its not located in that namespace? Surely 80% of the time thats where the filters will be right?

Changing the config on my local valet nginx is all well and good, but Im using Google App Engine Standard environment in production, and apparently there is no where to change these nginx settings I am aware of.

There must be another way to encode the filters that isnt so verbose and runs this risk...

crynobone commented 3 years ago

I guess one option would be if the class is in the default \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\ namespace, you could just use the class name?

If we do this, if someone bookmark URL with filters, the URL will be broken (possible JavaScript error and empty nova dashboard screen) but the benefits of this will reduce a lot of characters.

I considered this:

abstract class Filter
    public function uriKey()
        return self::class;

Where you can override the class method if you need it (avoid breaking change but require additional work each time). But this all just theory and I need to test it out.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

@crynobone thats not true - im suggesting that if a filter string starts with \\ nova will parse it as a full class name. So even if they have \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\SomeFilter in their bookmarks, it will continue to work fine

However if the string does not start with \\ - eg SomeFilter - I am suggesting that nova automatically append \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\ to it

This seems like a backwards compatible approach?

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

And I am also suggesting that going forwards, novas vue components take advantage of this underlying php parsing, and when generating the query string on the vue side, use the unqualified class name if the filter does indeed live in the default namespace.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

In fact this approach would even work if the filter is nested inside \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\SomeNestedNameSpace\\SomeFilter

All that would have to happen is that the nova vuejs side use SomeNestedNameSpace\\SomeFilter in the query string, and the nova php side would convert it to the full \\App\\Nova\\Filters\\SomeNestedNameSpace\\SomeFilter since the string didnt start with \\

crynobone commented 3 years ago

thats not true - im suggesting that if a filter string starts with \ nova will parse it as a full class name. So even if they have \App\Nova\Filters\SomeFilter in their bookmarks, it will continue to work fine

If we look at your example above, the filter doesn't prefix with \ for all classes. So if we do based on your suggestion it will cause breaking change.

users_filter: [
    "class": "App\\Nova\\Filters\\UserFilter",
    "value": {
      "subscribed": false,
      "competition": false,
      "call": false,
      "singles": false,
      "non-voted": false
    "class": "App\\Nova\\Filters\\StateFilter",
    "value": ""
    "class": "App\\Nova\\Filters\\GenderFilter",
    "value": ""
    "class": "App\\Nova\\Filters\\AgeRangeFilter",
    "value": [
    "class": "App\\Nova\\Filters\\DateFilter",
    "value": ""
    "class": "App\\Nova\\Filters\\AdvancedUserFieldSearch",
    "value": ""

e.g: App\Nova\Filters\UserFilter will become App\Nova\Filters\App\Nova\Filters\UserFilter

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

The vue component is generating that? Why cant it prefix all fully qualified class names with \\ going forwards?

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

In which case it would be: (note \\Some\\Other\\Namespace\\SomeFilter is the only fully qualified one)

users_filter: [
    "class": "UserFilter",
    "value": {
      "subscribed": false,
      "competition": false,
      "call": false,
      "singles": false,
      "non-voted": false
    "class": "\\Some\\Other\\Namespace\\SomeFilter",
    "value": ""
    "class": "GenderFilter",
    "value": ""
    "class": "AgeRangeFilter",
    "value": [
    "class": "DateFilter",
    "value": ""
    "class": "AdvancedUserFieldSearch",
    "value": ""
crynobone commented 3 years ago

@matthewjumpsoffbuildings I trying to solve this without making a breaking change.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Eg preserving old bookmarks?

Unfortunately I dont think theres a way to sort this without making old bookmarks stale.

I was also going to suggest changing the common "class" and "value" keys. They are redundant. Something like this:


would be way more efficient given that nginx has this kind of limitation. Note each filter is simply an array with 2 indexes, [0] is the class name, [1] is the value

crynobone commented 3 years ago

If possible, otherwise this no longer a small feature/bugfixes and I need to make a proposal to the team and get the approval.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Fair enough. I was wondering if I could make a pull request? Is it possible I would be able to have access to the repo, or is that not an option?

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Is it possible I would be able to have access to the repo, or is that not an option?

The only way to get access to the repository is through

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Oh right, I didnt even see that option, thanks.

Any chance you could point me in the direction of the files on the Vue side that handle generating the query string, and the files on the PHP side that handle parsing/using it? I could probably suss it myself but if you can point me in the right direction would be appreciated

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

I see the Vue side occurs here, just looking for the PHP side

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

@crynobone I made a pull request that does what Im talking about, its not passing the style CI checks but I cant get style CI working for some reason.

crynobone commented 3 years ago


Here's my alternative solution as suggested above, which should work.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Wont you also need to update the vuex store behaviour so it encodes the filter params using the shorter names?

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Wont you also need to update the vuex store behaviour so it encodes the filter params using the shorter names?

Filter will set class from Filter::key(), so there no reason to check the frontend behaviour.

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Cool, tested that and it seems to work great for shortening the class name.

Do you think its feasible to consider also removing the redundant class and value from the json?




Considering the default nginx config has quite a strict limit on the query string length, the more it can be shortened the better. My pull request also contained an attempt to make that change

crynobone commented 3 years ago

Do you think its feasible to consider also removing the redundant class and value from the json?

Breaking changes

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

Yea I get it, but I think considering the query string limitation nginx has, and that things like Google app engine are running it under the hood without the option to change the limit, at some point it would be smart to make the switch. Having the words class and value in there serves no purpose, and almost doubles the length of the query param string

matthewjumpsoffbuildings commented 3 years ago

@crynobone just saw your pull request, looks great!

crynobone commented 3 years ago

The PR has been reverted so this issue will still persist in upcoming version.

jonnywilliamson commented 3 years ago

I've just been stung with this all morning.

For anyone coming and just wants to get on with fixing this and move on here's what I did. I'm using laravel Valet, but this is a nginx issue at heart.

Looking at my nginx.conf file in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf it shows that the it reads the following directories for config files:

    include "/Users/jonathan/.config/valet/Nginx/*";
    include servers/*;
    include valet/valet.conf;

I created a new file in /usr/local/etc/nginx/servers called buffers.conf

In this file i put this exactly:

fastcgi_buffers 16 32k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 64k;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 64k;

proxy_buffer_size   128k;
proxy_buffers   4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size   256k;

Saved the file and RESTART nginx. That should be it.

This WILL apply to all your servers defined in nginx.

Hope this gets fixed for next release.