Closed Zen0x7 closed 6 years ago
If you have a wildcard route, see #445.
Run php artisan nova:install
per the docs.
my existing project is on
laravel 5.6
installed Laravel nova v1.1.3
i followed all the steps in the installation guide, installation process was successful but /nova not working
@davidhemphill By running nova install command doesn't fix the issue.
@taylorotwell @davidhemphill Please help /nova still not working downloaded and latest version of Nova and installed it in my project which is on laravel 5.6.*.
Are you getting any errors in your logs?
There's not any error. The following code is the result of artisan route:list command:
| Domain | Method | URI | Name | Action | Middleware |
| | GET|HEAD | / | | Closure | web |
| | GET|HEAD | api/user | | Closure | api,auth:api |
| | GET|HEAD | home | home | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@index | web,auth |
| | GET|HEAD | login | login | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm | web,guest |
| | POST | login | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@login | web,guest |
| | POST | logout | logout | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@logout | web |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/cards | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\DashboardCardController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/metrics | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\DashboardMetricController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/metrics/{metric} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\DashboardMetricController@show | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/scripts/{script} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ScriptController@show | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/search | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\SearchController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/styles/{style} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\StyleController@show | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceStoreController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceIndexController@handle | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceDestroyController@handle | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource}/action | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ActionController@store | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/actions | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ActionController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/associatable/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\AssociatableController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/cards | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\CardController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/count | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceCountController@show | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/creation-fields | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\CreationFieldController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/creation-pivot-fields/{relatedResource} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\CreationPivotFieldController@index | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/detach | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceDetachController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/field/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\FieldController@show | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/filters | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\FilterController@index | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/force | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceForceDeleteController@handle | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensResourceDestroyController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensController@show | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens}/action | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensActionController@store | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens}/count | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensResourceCountController@show | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens}/filters | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensFilterController@index | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens}/force | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensResourceForceDeleteController@handle | nova |
| | PUT | nova-api/{resource}/lens/{lens}/restore | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensResourceRestoreController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/lenses | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\LensController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/metrics | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\MetricController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/metrics/{metric} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\MetricController@show | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/morphable/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\MorphableController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/relate-authorization | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\RelatableAuthorizationController@show | nova |
| | PUT | nova-api/{resource}/restore | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceRestoreController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/soft-deletes | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\SoftDeleteStatusController@show | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource}/trix-attachment/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\TrixAttachmentController@store | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/trix-attachment/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\TrixAttachmentController@destroyAttachment | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/trix-attachment/{field}/{draftId} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\TrixAttachmentController@destroyPending | nova |
| | PUT | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceUpdateController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceShowController@handle | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/attach-morphed/{relatedResource} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\MorphedResourceAttachController@handle | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/attach/{relatedResource} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\ResourceAttachController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/attachable/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\AttachableController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/download/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\FieldDownloadController@show | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/field/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\FieldDestroyController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/metrics/{metric} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\DetailMetricController@show | nova |
| | POST | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/update-attached/{relatedResource}/{relatedResourceId} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\AttachedResourceUpdateController@handle | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/update-fields | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\UpdateFieldController@index | nova |
| | GET|HEAD | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/update-pivot-fields/{relatedResource}/{relatedResourceId} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\UpdatePivotFieldController@index | nova |
| | DELETE | nova-api/{resource}/{resourceId}/{relatedResource}/{relatedResourceId}/field/{field} | nova.api. | Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\PivotFieldDestroyController@handle | nova |
| | POST | password/email | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail | web,guest |
| | POST | password/reset | password.update | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset | web,guest |
| | GET|HEAD | password/reset | password.request | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm | web,guest |
| | GET|HEAD | password/reset/{token} | password.reset | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm | web,guest |
| | POST | register | | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController@register | web,guest |
| | GET|HEAD | register | register | App\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm | web,guest |
Can you think of something that would make this a Windows-only problem?
@davidhemphill I think so, But I can not verify it with certainty.
In production the application works fine.
I'll use Homestead.
@davidhemphill yes am developing on the Windows 10 xampp in my local machine i installed laravel 5.7 and nova 1.13 as fresh project after that also /nova didn't worked But after add the novaserviceprovider.php file in the config/app.php and app url in nova config it worked
after that i tried setup on my existing project which is on laravel 5.6 but not working
@murali418 There must be something you missed when installing Nova. Without access to your code I won't be able to help you debug this.
I experienced this when php artisan make:auth
after php artisan nova:install
or vice versa 🤔
I think running nova:install or make:auth again fixed it
@davidhemphill issues is resolved after modifying the /nova path as per need in config/nova.php
Thanks a lot for your support @davidhemphill @demency @bonzai
I solved the issue by adding
i got error same
I solved out this issue easily,, add on app/config file.. App\Providers\NovaServiceProvider::class,
I solved the issue by adding
i got error same
This seems to be a Windows specific issue with the php artisan nova:install
I installed Nova for the first time today, on a Windows 10 environment. And I ran into the exact same issue.
was missing from config/app.php
Thank you for finding out.
Had this issue in a project using laravel-convert-case-middleware (Contract resolver to convert incoming camelCase keys to snake_case and vice versa). Removing it from the web
middleware group fixed the issue.
This seems to be a Windows specific issue with the
php artisan nova:install
I am experiencing the same issue on macOS 13.2.1 and it is not resolved by adding the service provider to config/app.php
I had run php artisan nova:install
when I initially installed nova but I ran it again just in case and the issue persists.
I also checked in vendor/laravel/nova/src/Http/Controllers/
and the TrixAttachmentController
does not exist which would make sense.
Fixed: I ran php artisan route:cache
and that resolved the issue, might have been old cache from a previous version of nova.
I'm not sure if this issue is related to #643.
The steps to reproduce (Windows environment):
You'll see there's no routes for /nova, login or register routes. Just only nova-api routes.