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Long title in Resources view not wrapping #716

Closed lesaff closed 6 years ago

lesaff commented 6 years ago

Some of my database entries have a quite long titles (see screenshot). When I view those entries in my Resources, it extended the width of the table. It would be nice to make these long titles wrap around to the next line.


screen shot 2018-09-27 at 2 11 12 pm
dillingham commented 6 years ago


Made a package for index only string limits

Im using a field override to set a character length to avoid multiple lines and long ones


namespace App\Nova\Fields;

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Field;

class ShortenText extends Field
    public $component = 'text-field';

    public function length($amount)
        return $this->displayUsing(function ($value) use ($amount) {
            return str_limit($value, $amount, '...');

You can also override the styles

.whitespace-no-wrap {
    white-space: normal;

could also do it on the field directly

Text::make('title')->displayUsing(function ($value) {
    return str_limit($value, '10', '...');
davidhemphill commented 6 years ago

No plans to do this as it tends to make the tables look really bad with a lot of rows breaking to the next line.

lesaff commented 6 years ago

@dillingham thanks for the idea, I ended up limiting the length of the title by doing the following

Text::make('Title')->resolveUsing(function ($title) {
    return substr($title, 0, 35) . '...';
zagreusinoz commented 5 years ago

This also affects the detail page. I get that it breaks the styling but maybe add the ability to combine styling to a field element so, e.g. we could add overflow-wrap: break-word; which would fix this issue.

In my case I want to show an API key so it makes no sense to make an excerpt as in @lesaff 's idea.

MitchellMcKenna commented 5 years ago

@davidhemphill Would be great if there was a ->resolveForDisplayOnIndex() to alter display on index only, like here to truncate the field only there.

beerwin commented 5 years ago

No plans to do this as it tends to make the tables look really bad with a lot of rows breaking to the next line.

Well, this looks definitely better than that >:( (I'm trying to create a simple comments view): image

tpetry commented 5 years ago

@MitchellMcKenna If you only want to change it for the index or detail page you can add the attribute twice with different definitions:

Text::make('Subject', 'subject')
  ->displayUsing(function($value) {
    return str_limit($value, 50, '...');

Text::make('Subject', 'subject')
dillingham commented 5 years ago

@tpetry @beerwin

You can do index only string limits like I do in this package

dddeeemmmooonnn commented 5 years ago


        .whitespace-no-wrap {
            white-space: normal;

to end of head in /resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php wich copied from nova sources folder. works fine

jeff-h commented 3 years ago

If so many people have given a thumbs-up to the above style rule reversal I think it indicates a problem with the default.

In my case I'd much prefer a default for wide table columns to by truncated by CSS, with text-overflow: ellipsis; It seems the perfect answer to ruining the table by having it hang off the side, or breaking the vertical rhythm.

fabiov commented 2 years ago

I think it would be better to let to decide on a case-by-case what is better, maybe with a method, samething like this: Text::make('name')->wrap()

salmanhijazi commented 2 years ago

Until a better way is available, solved it like so:

    ->displayUsing(fn ($value) => '<div style="white-space: break-spaces">'. $value .'</div>')
vankov1 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately this solution breaks the click events. :/

hayatbiralem commented 1 year ago

I solved my issue with a Line field like following:


Stack::make('Title', [

To make !whitespace-normal works as expected I defined an asset and added following styles into it:

/* Nova Asset CSS */
.\!whitespace-normal {
    white-space: normal !important;

Hope it helps.

Shr3yashhh commented 8 months ago

This is how I've done i hope this might help you
Text::make('Short Description', 'short_description') ->rules('required') ->displayUsing(function ($value) { return Str::limit($value, 30, "..."); }),

clementmas commented 4 months ago

This is what I used to integrate @dddeeemmmooonnn's solution in Nova v4:

// NovaServiceProvider.php, boot method
Nova::footer(fn () => Blade::render('
        /* Fixes display of long texts on index views */
        .whitespace-nowrap {
            white-space: normal;

    // ...

Having a helper function would be much better than this hack. Meanwhile it does the trick.