laravel / reverb

Laravel Reverb provides a real-time WebSocket communication backend for Laravel applications.
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Random "Pusher error: Internal server error." and slow on "larger" arrays, inconsistent speed #118

Closed tarreislam closed 5 months ago

tarreislam commented 5 months ago

Reverb Version

beta 4

Laravel Version


PHP Version



So I decided to randomly test speed and payload size because I believe it's pretty inconsistent. I came up with a test and sometimes reverb would not send small payloads.

The config

max_request_size and max_message_size set to PHP_INT_MAX

The test

    $x = 0;
    $b = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < PHP_INT_MAX; $i += 1000) {
        event(new GnaQueueUpdatedEvent(range(0, $i)));
        if ($i % 1000 == 0) {
            $this->info("$i ($x) ~" . round($b / 1024 / 1024, 2) . 'mb');
            $b += $i;
class GnaQueueUpdatedEvent implements ShouldBroadcastNow
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;

    public array $gnaQueue;

    public function __construct(array $gnaQueue)
        $this->gnaQueue = array_values($gnaQueue);

    public function broadcastOn(): array
        return [
            new Channel('Engine'),

    public function broadcastAs(): string
        return 'GnaQueueUpdatedEvent';


The result I get between 1 and 100 iterations before it breaks with "Internal server error"

Sometimes its slow, sometimes its fast. Somethimes it times out. But one thing is consistent, its inconsistent on all my tests.

I wish I could be more concrete. Hint hint

Here is a 32 megabyte gif that show me run a couple of tests. The Reverb server does not have any clients connected besides Laravel.

EDIT I could not add the gif in the issue: so I uploaded it to a repo

Steps To Reproduce

See above

tarreislam commented 5 months ago

I could not add the gif in the issue: so I uploaded it to a repo

joedixon commented 5 months ago

@tarreislam what do you consider a "small payload"?

Reverb isn't really designed for sending MBs of data across the wire.

tarreislam commented 5 months ago

@tarreislam what do you consider a "small payload"?

Reverb isn't really designed for sending MBs of data across the wire.

Yeah sure I send about 1 mb as its highest but thats not the issue, the issue is the random internal server error on 200 kb. Check the gif

joedixon commented 5 months ago

The internal server error seems to come at 2MB?

I'm open to a pull request if you think we can improve the debugging output for this.

driesvints commented 5 months ago

This seems unrealistic. Feel free to send in a PR if you like to improve this.

jeffinvech3e commented 5 months ago

I also expierience the same issue, it has random error 500


tarreislam commented 5 months ago

This seems unrealistic. Feel free to send in a PR if you like to improve this.

Whats unrealistic, on the 4 or 5th run I would get a 500 on about 1kb but I sigkilled it


Id love to make A PR but "Internal server error" does not help much when debugging and I don't have time to unpack the entire codebase for reverb.

tarreislam commented 5 months ago

Small update

Okay I found where you muted the error and its here:


$this->close($connection, 500, 'Internal server error. '. $e->getMessage());

When adding this piece of code, my random error is (39 kb payload and 2 mb payload)

Laravel\Reverb\Protocols\Pusher\Http\Controllers\EventsController::validator(): Argument #1 ($payload) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/vendor/laravel/reverb/src/Protocols/Pusher/Http/Controllers/EventsController.php on line 30.

So it fails before you can catch it

        $this->verify($request, $connection, $appId);

        $payload = json_decode($this->body, true); // probably null

        $validator = $this->validator($payload); // fail

        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return new JsonResponse($validator->errors(), 422);
tarreislam commented 5 months ago

Ok here again.

I would consider you open this again, because I just lowered the payload to 1 mb and its consistently failing with the above error

when I log the payload $this->body the end of the message is cut of

3,99944,99945,99946,99947,99948,99  // missing 3 digits and end bracket
tarreislam commented 5 months ago

Changed test to this. We are not even talking megabytes anymore...

    $x = 0;

    $this->info("500 iterations of 512");
    while ($x < 512){
        event(new GnaQueueUpdatedEvent(range(0, 512)));
    $this->info("500 iterations of 1024");
    $x = 0;
    while ($x < 512){
        event(new GnaQueueUpdatedEvent(range(0, 1024)));

The 1024 test always fails at 1004-1006nth entry

[2024-03-28 23:14:39] local.ERROR: Pusher error: Internal server error. Laravel\Reverb\Protocols\Pusher\Http\Controllers\EventsController::validator(): Argument #1 ($payload) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/vendor/laravel/reverb/src/Protocols/Pusher/Http/Controllers/EventsController.php on line 31. {"exception":"[object] (Illuminate\\Broadcasting\\BroadcastException(code: 0): Pusher error: Internal server error. Laravel\\Reverb\\Protocols\\Pusher\\Http\\Controllers\\EventsController::validator(): Argument #1 ($payload) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/vendor/laravel/reverb/src/Protocols/Pusher/Http/Controllers/EventsController.php on line 31. at /var/www/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Broadcasting/Broadcasters/PusherBroadcaster.php:164)

I am starting to suspect

tarreislam commented 5 months ago

I made a PR

sleepm commented 4 months ago

REVERB_SERVER_HOST= REVERB_SERVER_PORT=8080 (A) for reverb:start bind

REVERB_HOST="localhost" REVERB_PORT=8080 REVERB_SCHEME=http (B) for laravel app send event to reverb

VITE_REVERB_HOST (C) for frontend conn to reverb

if (B) is wrong when broadcast event will show red error Syntax error