The world of PHP Magic Methods has helped me build more functionalities with lesser lines of code and lesser execution time. When I started working with Laravel, it helped me understand how Laravel works at its core. I'm convinced everyone can benefit from this simple yet powerful concept of MagicMethods.
Brief description about the content to be covered
I will cover the following topics. How Eloquent API work at the backend.
What are PHP magic methods and how to create them.
Where to utilise PHP Magic Methods - Saving execution time, minimise lines of code, creating methods dynamically, managing errors.
How Laravel uses the magic methods in Eloquent API - Eloquent mutators, Query build, serialising Model Objects.
The talk will be hand-ons and I will encourage all to try creating some magic methods during the session.
Prerequisites & reading material (Distributed before the session)
Basic knowledge of Laravel framework and Eloquent.
Time required for the talk
15-20 minutes
About yourself (Please include social media links, twitter, facebook)
I’ve been part of the LaravelLive family since earlier this year at the Mumbai Conference (My ticket was sponsored by Forge, Taylor Otwell). Professionally, I work for ColoredCow as a Backend Developer, I love working on large scale applications with tonnes of lines of code to write and decipher.
Title The world of PHP Magic Methods has helped me build more functionalities with lesser lines of code and lesser execution time. When I started working with Laravel, it helped me understand how Laravel works at its core. I'm convinced everyone can benefit from this simple yet powerful concept of MagicMethods.
Brief description about the content to be covered I will cover the following topics. How Eloquent API work at the backend.
The talk will be hand-ons and I will encourage all to try creating some magic methods during the session.
Prerequisites & reading material (Distributed before the session) Basic knowledge of Laravel framework and Eloquent.
Time required for the talk 15-20 minutes
About yourself (Please include social media links, twitter, facebook) I’ve been part of the LaravelLive family since earlier this year at the Mumbai Conference (My ticket was sponsored by Forge, Taylor Otwell). Professionally, I work for ColoredCow as a Backend Developer, I love working on large scale applications with tonnes of lines of code to write and decipher.
On Laravel, I have been working on the framework since version 4.2. I’m also an avid react-native enthusiast and carry rich experience in the same. Github - https://github.com/pankaj-ag Twitter -https://twitter.com/Pankaja455 Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pankaj-agrawal-63160338/
Your open-source contributions (if any) I’ve contributed to various open-source projects. Here are some of the projects: laravel G-Suite (https://github.com/ColoredCow/laravel-gsuite), Laravel Audit (https://github.com/ColoredCow/laravel-audit), Laravel mobile (https://github.com/ColoredCow/laravel-mobile-api) We publish some open source and using them in our own projects. Like support. Availability
Availability (When would you be able to give the talk?) I would love to give a talk anytime on a weekend