laravelista / comments

Native comments for your Laravel application.
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How to make reply available only for admins? #113

Closed julem-sen closed 4 years ago

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

Hi! this really help me finished what I'm working on, Thank you for this! Keep up the good work!

I just want to know if there is an option that only type=admins can reply to a users comment.

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

I kinda found a bug to the package, when someone already replied to the other users comment, the comment that has a reply can't be deleted, since it is connected to the child_id.

mabasic commented 4 years ago

I kinda found a bug to the package, when someone already replied to the other users comment, the comment that has a reply can't be deleted, since it is connected to the child_id.

It should be possible to delete the parent comment (if the user is its owner) and it should delete all child comments.

mabasic commented 4 years ago

Hi! this really help me finished what I'm working on, Thank you for this! Keep up the good work!

I just want to know if there is an option that only type=admins can reply to a users comment.

See here. Also see the config. You should overwrite the reply method to return true if the user is admin. That should do it.

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

I have a problem when migrating the table for the comments, I always get an error unless I change onDelete('cascade') to `onDelete('no action'), I think this is where the problem lies when I delete a comment with replies. I'm still looking for solutions on the web but got no luck. I tried the other solutions which work for some people but for me it didn't.

SQLSTATE[23000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the SAME TABLE REFERENCE constraint "comments_child_id_foreign". The conflict occurred in database "UserMF", table "dbo.comments", column 'child_id'. (SQL: delete from [comments] where [id] = 16) this is the error I get, the migration is successful when I changed the onDelete() to onDelete('no action')

mabasic commented 4 years ago

I see. You are using MSSQL server for the database. I have not tested it with that DB server. I use MySQL or MariaDB. onDelete('cascade') deletes the child comments. Without it it should not work. Try searching the Internet for: onDelete('cascade'), laravel, mssql.

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

okay so MSSQL doesn't accept foreignkeys on the same table. I tried it manually it didn't work so it must be on another table, basically I need to change some on the laravelista models or add another model

mabasic commented 4 years ago

You can very easily customize the migrations and models. See the readme and config.

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

Can I specify 2 models on the @comments(['model' => model])?

mabasic commented 4 years ago

Don't know what would be the purpose of that but you could if you updated the logic in component. See readme for customization.

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

Its actually for the error I am getting when using "onDelete('cascade')" , I think I found a solution for it, I just need another table for replies.

mabasic commented 4 years ago

The solution is to figure out why you can't use onDelete('cascade'). It is a very common thing on which I rely in almost all of my applications. Not having it means that there is something wrong with the db.

julem-sen commented 4 years ago

I will be using onDelete('cascade') but with two tables, one for comments and one for replies, instead of using Config::get('comments.model') , I will try to use new Replies() . I think onDelete('cascade') on MSSQL only works if its not on the same table. I did really surf the web for solutions I read about triggers, I don't know if it will work since its not good to use Triggers when using constraints.