laravellivedelhi / talks

Propose talk for next Laravel Live Delhi Meetup
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Design & Develop an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) through Laravel #29

Open kumaranup594 opened 4 months ago

kumaranup594 commented 4 months ago


Design & Develop an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) through Laravel

Brief description about the content to be covered

In this seminar, we will explore the fundamentals of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) and how it can be implemented within the Laravel PHP framework. We will discuss the core concepts of EDA, including events, event listeners. The session will demonstrate how to design and develop a basic EDA system by creating a sample application in Laravel. Attendees will learn how to leverage Laravel's built-in features to manage event-driven workflows effectively, improving the scalability and responsiveness of their applications.

Prerequisites & reading material (Distributed before the session)

This season is belong to advance concept of laravel so you must be prepared with following: -- Laravel Basics -- Events & Listeners -- Job & Queues

Time required for the talk

90 minutes (60 minutes for presentation + 30 minutes for Q&A and demonstrations)

Link to slides / demos

It will be live coding season. there wouldn't be such PPT kind of thing.

About yourself (Please include social media links, twitter, facebook)

Please get it from here

-- LinkedIn -- Twitter -- Instagram

Your open source contributions (if any)


Availability (When would you be able to give the talk?)

This friday, 24th Feb

Any comments

Not right now.

kumaranup594 commented 4 months ago

Added topic for laravel talk.