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Code Smartly: Tips, Tricks & Good Practices in Laravel #12

Open pathak-vikash opened 4 years ago

pathak-vikash commented 4 years ago

Brief description about the content to be covered

Everyone could code and achieve the functinality in their efficient way but it's always have a concern the code you have written is in effective way.

In this talk consits tips, tricks and good practices in Laravel that can descrease your coding hours in effective ways.

Prerequisites & reading material (Distributed before the session)

Time required for the talk

About yourself (Please include social media links, twitter, facebook)

Having good experience in different technologies like PHP, Javascript, Golang, .Net and it's framworks. I've started working with Laravel since it was in earlier stage 4.2. And continously working with Microservices application with Lumen.

You can also get me on social media.

LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook:

Your open source contributions (if any)

Completed Hactoberfeast 2019

Availability (When would you be able to give the talk?)

Any comments

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