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Laravel Airlock - Authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs #16

Open pathak-vikash opened 4 years ago

pathak-vikash commented 4 years ago

Laravel Airlock - Authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs

Prerequisites & reading material (Distributed before the session)

Time required for the talk

40 Mins

About yourself (Please include social media links, twitter, facebook)

Having good experience in different technologies like PHP, Javascript, Golang, .Net and their framworks. I've started working with Laravel since it was in earlier stage 4.2. And continously working with Microservices application with Lumen.

You can also get me on social media.

LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook:

Your open source contributions (if any)

Completed Digital Ocen Hactoberfest 2019 challenge and got the swag.

Availability (When would you be able to give the talk?)


Any comments

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