larcenists / larceny

Larceny Scheme implementation
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SRFI 64 now tries to write to a closed port #712

Closed WillClinger closed 9 years ago

WillClinger commented 9 years ago
%%%% Starting test arrays  (Writing full log to "arrays.log")
# of expected passes      167

Error: no handler for exception #<record &compound-condition>
Compound condition has these components: 
#<record &error>
#<record &who>
    who : write-char
#<record &message>
    message : "not a textual output port"
#<record &irritants>
    irritants : (#<OUTPUT PORT arrays.log>)

Terminating program execution.

This is probably a consequence of the R7RS semantics for output-port?, which now returns true even if the port has been closed.

WillClinger commented 9 years ago

Fixed by changeset 208dace2e5fcdf83733958b375123813f0f544cb