larcenists / larceny

Larceny Scheme implementation
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nightly build web page is down #765

Closed WillClinger closed 7 years ago

WillClinger commented 8 years ago

Something's wrong with the machine we use as web server to display nightly builds. It won't let me log in either, so I'm going to have to talk to it in person, which requires travel I won't be doing for several days.

We should move that machine's responsibilities to a machine we can maintain more easily. That's why this is an issue, not just a glitch.

WillClinger commented 8 years ago

The results of nightly builds are now being displayed at a new URL.

The nightly builds themselves are not yet being made available.

Documentation is not yet being built nightly, but that's mostly a separate issue.

WillClinger commented 7 years ago

Nightly builds for Linux and MacOS X are again being made available.

Documentation is being built nightly but is not yet displayed because I intend to move documentation builds to a new server. If I encounter problems with that, I'll open a new issue.