lardemua / atlascar2

Core packages for the LAR DEMUA Atlas Project
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novatel hardware #24

Open Sarxell opened 2 years ago

Sarxell commented 2 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira

I'm having trouble with connecting the novatel SPAN-IGM -A1 The antenna part is already done, but in terms of connecting the serial port the datasheet shows the following configuration:

Screenshot from 2022-03-22 12-18-59

And in the bringup we have the following code:

    <!-- Node novatel para comandos relativos a posição-->
    <node name="novatel_position" pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="standalone novatel_gps_driver/novatel_gps_nodelet">
      connection_type: serial
      device: /dev/ttyUSB0
      publish_novatel_positions: true
      publish_novatelgnss_positions: true
      publish_imu_messages: false
      publish_nmea_messages: true
      publish_default_messages: true
      publish_diagnostics: true
      publish_novatel_velocity: true
      frame_id: /gps
    <!-- Node novatel para comandos da unidade inercial -->
    <node name="novatel_imu" pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="standalone novatel_gps_driver/novatel_gps_nodelet">
      connection_type: serial
      device: /dev/ttyUSB6
      publish_novatel_positions: false
      publish_novatelgnss_positions: false
      publish_imu_messages: true
      publish_nmea_messages: false
      publish_default_messages: false
      publish_diagnostics: true
      frame_id: /gps



I'm a little confused because there are a lot of cables and I can't understand clearly what I need to connect, here it exists two serial and in the scheme there is only one, does the professor know somebody that can help me with this?

Sarxell commented 2 years ago

When I only launch:

roslaunch atlascar2_bringup novatel.bringup

I get the following warnings/errors:

[ERROR] [1647953250.687435535]: insufficient data rate <Novatel GPS (/dev/ttyUSB6)>: 0.000000 < 20.000000
[ WARN] [1647953250.687555184]: publish rate failures detected <Novatel GPS (/dev/ttyUSB6)>: 1
[ WARN] [1647953250.687643578]: No GPS status data.
[ERROR] [1647953250.687845448]: Error connecting to device <serial:/dev/ttyUSB6>: Error opening serial port </dev/ttyUSB6>: No such file or directory
[ WARN] [1647953250.710296303]: device timeouts detected <serial:/dev/ttyUSB0>: 1
[ERROR] [1647953250.710406157]: insufficient data rate <Novatel GPS (/dev/ttyUSB0)>: 0.000000 < 20.000000
[ WARN] [1647953250.710461806]: publish rate failures detected <Novatel GPS (/dev/ttyUSB0)>: 1
[ WARN] [1647953250.710494796]: No GPS status data.

But in the rviz and the rqt_graph everything looks fine... Screenshot from 2022-03-22 12-49-38 Screenshot from 2022-03-22 12-49-47

Is it missing something?

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hum, I think @vitoruapt should have a better idea. I have never used this.

In any case I think this hardware is non-essential for your work and if you get stuck move on to the next.

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

How many USB cables you have connected?

What devices do you have?

ls /det/ttyUSB*
Sarxell commented 2 years ago

On the left I ran roslaunch atlascar2_bringup novatel.launch . On the right is the output from the rostopic echo /imu


I suppose that the warning regarding NavSatFix is about the GPS that doesn't work inside DEM so I think the novatel software is already working.

It was just a cable that was disconnected and lost in the car that was causing the problem

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hi @Sarxell ,

so I think the novatel software is already working.

well, there is no change in the imu values. Can't you shake the car a bit to see if you observe something in the accelerometers?

Sarxell commented 2 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira Yes , I didn't thought about it! Monday I will do it and update this issue

Sarxell commented 2 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira , or I am very weak or the values don't change. So, I decided to be more attentive to the warnings and I noticed in this one:

[ WARN] [1649069713.865455991]: No INSSTDEV or INSCOV data yet; orientation covariance will be unavailable. (This warning only appears one time so I didn't even see it)

This must be the problem, but I was looking in the Internet to see if I can find anything and until now I didn't find anything useful...

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hum ... I would suggest you do the same with the car in the streets. It could be that problem of the GPS only sending information after receiving GPS signal.

If that does not work you can try google or the manual of the equipment.

Sarxell commented 2 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira , I will try that then!