lardemua / atom

Calibration tools for multi-sensor, multi-modal robotic systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
245 stars 28 forks source link

Generate camera-to-camera error metrics script #221

Closed aaguiar96 closed 3 years ago

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira and @eupedrosa

This also has to done right? Should I reuse some code? Which script?

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

EDIT: Actually, the train dataset has 8 complete collections. Do you think that it is enough?

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

I'm obtaining this result:

Partial detection removed: label from collection 24, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 25, sensor right_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 26, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 27, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 20, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 21, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 23, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 28, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 29, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 40, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 3, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 2, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 5, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 4, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 7, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 6, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 9, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 8, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 39, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 38, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 11, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 10, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 13, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 12, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 14, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 19, sensor right_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 18, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 31, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 30, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 37, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 36, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 35, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 34, sensor right_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 33, sensor right_camera

Using 8 collections.

 Starting stereo calibration ...


Calibration results:

('K_left', array([[698.66497803,   0.        , 653.06500244],
       [  0.        , 698.66497803, 368.27999878],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,   1.        ]]))
('D_left', array([[-0.173342],
       [ 0.027032],
       [ 0.      ],
       [ 0.      ],
       [ 0.      ]]))
('K_right', array([[701.20001221,   0.        , 638.44500732],
       [  0.        , 701.20001221, 390.79598999],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,   1.        ]]))
('D_right', array([[-0.176512],
       [ 0.029319],
       [ 0.      ],
       [ 0.      ],
       [ 0.      ]]))
('R', array([[ 9.99985899e-01,  5.14839359e-03, -1.30219567e-03],
       [-5.28011904e-03,  9.37703370e-01, -3.47396762e-01],
       [-5.67461995e-04,  3.47398739e-01,  9.37717332e-01]]))
('T', array([[-0.00030256],
('E', array([[-6.09994712e-07,  5.45505081e-05, -2.52756656e-04],
       [-1.39131991e-04,  1.04393170e-04,  2.83895739e-04],
       [ 2.19657646e-04, -2.82587883e-04,  1.04824043e-04]]))
('F', array([[-1.19467104e-08,  1.06836848e-06, -3.84420504e-03],
       [-2.72489183e-06,  2.04453406e-06,  4.91120455e-03],
       [ 4.08905397e-03, -5.36185857e-03,  1.00000000e+00]]))

It does no seem correct. The translation vector T does not have the 12cm baseline. Any ideas?...

eupedrosa commented 3 years ago

Yes, 8 collections is short. Do you want to try with my dataset? I will send you by email

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

Yes @eupedrosa, it works well with yours! What do you think I should do? I can consider two datasets on the paper, and generate all the results for the two datasets. And, in OpenCV use only this one, since it is the only suitable... The opposite will happen with ICP, that will only work with my dataset, since it is the only one that have ZED's pointcloud.

Partial detection removed: label from collection 42, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 48, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 43, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 49, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 24, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 26, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 27, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 20, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 22, sensor right_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 23, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 46, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 47, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 44, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 45, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 28, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 0, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 3, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 2, sensor right_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 4, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 51, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 19, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 18, sensor right_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 35, sensor left_camera
Partial detection removed: label from collection 50, sensor left_camera

Using 32 collections.

 Starting stereo calibration ...


Calibration results:

('K_left', array([[695.16652355,   0.        , 654.54732098],
       [  0.        , 694.86289415, 370.53243436],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,   1.        ]]))
('D_left', array([[-1.67330854e-01],
       [ 1.44714930e-02],
       [ 4.87055165e-04],
       [ 8.53117222e-03]]))
('K_right', array([[701.55817538,   0.        , 639.44664198],
       [  0.        , 701.14474549, 394.25430151],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,   1.        ]]))
('D_right', array([[-0.17194624],
       [ 0.01946158],
       [ 0.00033234],
       [ 0.00032733],
       [ 0.00666489]]))
('R', array([[ 9.99851036e-01,  2.65913812e-05,  1.72599477e-02],
       [-7.12695493e-05,  9.99996649e-01,  2.58793604e-03],
       [-1.72598210e-02, -2.58878064e-03,  9.99847687e-01]]))
('T', array([[-0.1214965],
       [ 0.0079809]]))
('E', array([[ 4.98558090e-06, -7.98020969e-03, -2.76514942e-04],
       [ 5.88270224e-03, -3.14315556e-04,  1.21615741e-01],
       [ 2.64520743e-04, -1.21496083e-01, -3.10008345e-04]]))
('F', array([[-2.14828578e-09,  3.44017327e-06, -1.19046037e-03],
       [-2.53634986e-06,  1.35577586e-07, -3.48411996e-02],
       [ 9.21375597e-04,  3.44912102e-02,  1.00000000e+00]]))
eupedrosa commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can consider multiple datasets. In fact, it is good for us. We less information we can achieve the same or better results.

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

Ok, I'm working on this. For characterization (there are a lot of results and table lines) I will leave it as it is, only with my dataset. For comparison of atom with other methods, I'll add your dataset, and in this way our problems are solved.

Thanks! :)

eupedrosa commented 3 years ago

By the way, the benchmark ir running for the noise, 1000 runs for each level of percentage. 2020-10-02-162725_1527x1379_scrot

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

That's really nice! Thanks!

eupedrosa commented 3 years ago

This may take a week or more in some cases. But I think we have time.

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

I will write the other sections of results I leave that for the end.

The only missing results are ICP and those of the impact of the initial guess.

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira and @eupedrosa

FINALLY I was able to generate OpenCV results. The script is pretty generic! With an input json and two cameras, it calibrate them, and re-writes a json with the not anchored sensor transformation updated, using the sensor-to-sensor calibration and the function that I posted here before.

Here's the result with @eupedrosa's training dataset, and the generic test dataset that I'm using.

Starting evalutation...
If you enabled the visualization mode - press [SPACE] to advance between images
                                      - to stop visualization press [c] or [q]

  #     RMS      X err     Y err     X std     Y std     T err     R err
  0      -       0.9056    0.5055    0.4712    0.3146    2.1675    0.2585
  1      -       0.7119    0.7395    0.4589    0.4033    4.2591    0.2488
  2      -       0.6449    0.5882    0.4672    0.3297    4.8985    0.3097
  3      -       0.3431    0.4104    0.2807    0.2133    2.6878    0.2662
  4      -       0.6986    0.2599    0.3361    0.2374    3.7521    0.4207
  5      -       0.5183    0.4006    0.3559    0.3030    2.4333    0.0883
  6      -       0.3762    0.7973    0.4350    0.7256    3.9496    0.6507
  7      -       0.3509    0.2113    0.1826    0.2538    1.2665    0.0904
  8      -       0.3397    0.1959    0.2018    0.2448    0.7848    0.2340
  9      -       0.9157    2.6740    0.8845    1.1871    4.4536    0.6659
 10      -       0.5889    1.1050    0.4849    0.3743    5.0557    0.3441
 11      -       0.3927    0.4512    0.5738    0.4237    4.1770    0.1468
 12      -       0.6100    0.2040    0.4422    0.2630    1.3030    0.3052
 13      -       0.3620    0.2013    0.2698    0.2292    1.6152    0.2438
 14      -       0.8313    0.4824    0.3666    0.2091    2.2453    0.6286
 All   0.8628    0.5824    0.6216    0.6482    0.9658    0.0030    0.0057

Now I'll do the same for factory's calibration, and only ICP is missing!

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

You can test it like this:

rosrun atom_evaluation -json "/home/andreaguiar/Documents/datasets/deprecated/eurico_dataset/data_collected.json" -lc "left_camera" -rc "right_camera"

Since @eupedrosa's dataset is old, and do not have some features recently added, you have to comment these two lines:

miguelriemoliveira commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

great work. Sorry for not answering before, this afternoon I was offline.

aaguiar96 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @miguelriemoliveira

Closing this since it's solved.