lardemua / atom

Calibration tools for multi-sensor, multi-modal robotic systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adding a new camera calibration tool for comparision #462

Open manuelgitgomes opened 2 years ago

manuelgitgomes commented 2 years ago

@miguelriemoliveira suggested this repo, which is based on opencv: "Based on OpenCV, an open source calibration toolbox has been developed to support non-experts in calibrating single and stereo camera systems and to improve the calibration results." - from their article I will search for more options

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hi @manuelgitgomes ,

I was searching around quite a lot and could not find anything.

The only other is kalibr:

but we have used in the past with poor results

I will call you.

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hi @eupedrosa ,

we searched and could not find anything other than opencv. So if you can get results with kalibr that would be nice.

eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

Hi @miguelriemoliveira.

I guess we can use kalibr, it now compiles with noetic. To calibrate I need a ROS bag. The bag can be created this way:

Can you provide the images and the pattern dimensions?

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hi @eupedrosa ,

Thanks for the help.

From what I see above all you need are the datasets, since from then you can generate the csvs and later the kalibr rosbags, right?

In the paper the table we want to change is Table 3: Performance comparison of methods for RGB to RGB camera evaluation.


which means we only have to provide kalibr results in the datasets where it was possible to do so with opencv, i.e. atlascar-1,

atlascar-1 Not sure in the table why we do not have the resutls for atlascar-1 and atlascar-2 as in the other cases.

I cannot find the datasets, I think @danifpdra should have them. Do you?

agrob-2 $ATOM_DATASETS/agrob/agrob_paper/test_dataset

My suggestion @eupedrosa is that you get started with the agrob dataset and then we will get you the atlscar2 datasets(s).

danifpdra commented 2 years ago


Yes, I do have the atlascar datasets. Here they are

eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

@danifpdra , the _test dataset is the one used for evaluating, correct?

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

@danifpdra , the _test dataset is the one used for evaluating, correct?

yes, correct

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

ai ai ai, these names. We have a dataset renaming tool working. After this paper is submitted we should change the name.

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

ai ai ai, these names. We have a dataset renaming tool working. After this paper is submitted we should change the name.

why do you say that? it's well named image

eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

Are you sure that the _test dataset is the one used for the evaluation in the paper? The results that I got using this one is very different from the ones in the paper.

For example, the center-camera to left-camera has a RMSE of 3 pixels in the paper, using the _test for evaluating Kalibr I got an RMSE of ~1.0. The defiference is very high.

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

Are you sure that the _test dataset is the one used for the evaluation in the paper? The results that I got using this one is very different from the ones in the paper.

For example, the center-camera to left-camera has a RMSE of 3 pixels in the paper, using the _test for evaluating Kalibr I got an RMSE of ~1.0. The defiference is very high.

I am absolutely sure... I saved all the commands are results that I took at that time.

The used command was (for that pair, for example):

rosrun atom_evaluation -train_json $ATOM_DATASETS/atlascar2_train_1/atom_calibration.json -test_json $ATOM_DATASETS/atlascar2_test_1/data_collected.json -ts top_left_camera -ss top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb

And I got

  #     RMS      X err     Y err     X std     Y std     T err     R err   
Removing collection 0 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 1 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 2 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_left_camera (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 3 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 4 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 5 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 6 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 7 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 8 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_left_camera (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 9 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 11 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 12 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 13 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 14 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 15 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 16 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 19 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 20 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
 10      -       4.2218    2.9960    2.1744    1.1420   48.8765    3.6995  
 17      -       2.4942    2.2247    1.4607    0.8224   38.1231    4.6451  
 18      -       3.2638    1.7202    1.8568    1.1989   47.4546    7.1151  
 All   3.2830    3.3266    2.3136    3.8323    1.2133    0.0448    0.0899  
miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

@eupedrosa , perhaps use the old camera_to_camera evaluaton just to make sure its the same script.

perhaps that accounts for some difference.

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

why do you say that? it's well named

yes it is. I was @eupedrosa that wrote just _test and I thought that was one of the datasets... sorry.

eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

@danifpdra, do you also have the command for the right camera to center camera?

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

rosrun atom_evaluation -train_json $ATOM_DATASETS/atlascar2_train_1/atom_calibration.json -test_json $ATOM_DATASETS/atlascar2_test_1/data_collected.json -ss top_right_camera -ts top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb

  #     RMS      X err     Y err     X std     Y std     T err     R err   
Removing collection 0 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 1 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 2 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_right_camera (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 3 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 4 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 5 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 6 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 7 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 8 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_right_camera (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 9 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 11 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 12 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 13 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 14 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 15 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 16 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 19 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
Removing collection 20 -> pattern was not found in sensor top_center_rgbd_camera_rgb (must be found in all sensors).
 10      -       3.1614    2.6731    0.9793    0.3433   58.3537    3.0959  
 17      -       0.9429    2.5899    1.0688    0.6577   89.5472    6.0827  
 18      -       0.9033    2.3093    1.0956    0.9849   73.2524    7.3129  
 All   2.3751    1.6692    2.5241    1.7741    0.7334    0.0737    0.0959  
eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

Thanks @danifpdra.

@miguelriemoliveira, I finished calibrating with Kalibr. I was not able to use extract the correct data from the full calibration with Kalibr. I had to do pairwise calibration.

Here is the data:

Screenshot from 2022-05-24 18-46-35

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

@eupedrosa ,

Can you tell me how did you obtain these results? Did you create a script in ATOM to replicate this for other calibration systems or did you just replicate kalibr? I wanted to replicate it for Larcc

eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

I had two create 2 scripts:

Right now it assumes that we are calibrating stereo. This may be changed to accept any number of cameras.

I will commit the scripts.

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much! I will try it out.

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 years ago

Thanks @eupedrosa ,

great work. I think this is a big step in getting the paper accepted.

I will try to complete the rest this week.

danifpdra commented 2 years ago

@eupedrosa ,

Can you tell me which parameters you used to run kalibr?

eupedrosa commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply @danifpdra.

Here is an example for atlascar

rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_cameras --models pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan --topics /top_left_camera/image_raw /top_right_camera/image_raw --target target.yaml --bag output.bag

And the target.yaml is

target_type: 'checkerboard' #gridtype
targetCols: 9               #number of internal chessboard corners
targetRows: 6              #number of internal chessboard corners
rowSpacingMeters: 0.101      #size of one chessboard square [m]
colSpacingMeters: 0.101      #size of one chessboard square [m]