lardemua / atom

Calibration tools for multi-sensor, multi-modal robotic systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Creating Zau description (INESC 2024) #919

Closed manuelgitgomes closed 2 months ago

manuelgitgomes commented 2 months ago

I want to create the Zau description, or at least a draft of it, in order to be only a matter of changing values on INESC.

@miguelriemoliveira and @Kazadhum, where did you place the latest version of the zau URDF? I saw the zau2 repo and the commits seem very old, do you have it anywhere else?

Tagging @brunofavs for visibility.

Kazadhum commented 2 months ago

Hi @manuelgitgomes! I'm pretty sure the zau2_real_description package in that repo is the latest 'version' before I started trying to change the bagfile instead, so I'd say that's your best bet.

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 months ago

I want to create the Zau description, or at least a draft of it, in order to be only a matter of changing values on INESC.

This is a very good idea.

manuelgitgomes commented 2 months ago

Zeu description written. The robot now looks like this:


It has:

Is this all correct?

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 months ago

Hi @manuelgitgomes ,

can you please set colors for the sensors, like in atom examples?

From the softbot experiment I think the back camera is difficult to use. Can't we have both looking to the side, even if they do not overlap?

A T265 on body (left_body_camera)

Lets call it body_odom_camera?

About naming, we have to standardize.

I propose:

hand_camera front_camera back_camera odom_camera boby_lidar

or using the atom examples _ logic

rgbd_hand rgb_front rgb_back odom_body lidar_body

Tell me which one you'd prefer, and also feel free to suggest changes Also, the frame_ids should also match these names, but lets first agree on naming ...

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 months ago

Hi @manuelgitgomes ,

great work.

Is this all correct?

It seems fine. Is it an UR5 and not an UR10?

Can you post the tf tree?

miguelriemoliveira commented 2 months ago

Decision was:

rgbd_hand rgb_body_front rgb_body_back vo_body lidar_body

manuelgitgomes commented 2 months ago

This is already done