Closed ghost closed 3 years ago
执行命令 php artisan admin:make-resource phone\Group 创建出来的控制器和model filter request 的父级都是有错误,目前我这边的解决方案是 在每个stub文件内手动定义父级 创建出来的vue文件也未能支持二级 目前我这边做了对应的解决方案 您这边可以看下 ,目前我是这样临时做解决的 项目很棒哦 大佬 里面我的todo 都有写 大佬看看吧
<?php namespace App\Admin\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\GeneratorCommand; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class ResourceMakeCommand extends GeneratorCommand { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = ' admin:make-resource {name : 短横式命名的资源名称} {--force : 覆盖已存在文件} {--model= : 指定模型} {--test : 生成控制器测试类} '; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = '添加一个资源,包含各种相关文件'; protected $types = [ 'model', 'filter', 'request', 'resource', 'controller', 'test', ]; /** * 当前正在生成的类型 * * @var string */ protected $nowType; /** * 各类型对应的完整的类名 * * @var array */ protected $classes = []; protected $frontendTypePathMap = [ 'api' => 'api/dummy-resources.js', 'index' => 'views/dummy-resources/Index.vue', 'form' => 'views/dummy-resources/Form.vue', ]; /** * Execute the console command. */ public function handle() { if (!$res = $this->makeBackend()) { return $res; } return $this->makeFrontend(); } protected function makeBackend() { foreach ($this->types as $type) { $this->nowType = $type; $this->type = Str::ucfirst($type); if (($type == 'model') && ($model = $this->option('model'))) { if (!class_exists($model)) { $this->error("模型 [ {$model} ] 不存在"); return 0; } elseif (class_exists($model)) { $this->classes[$type] = trim($model, '\\'); continue; } } if (($type == 'test') && (!$this->option('test'))) { continue; } if (parent::handle() === false) { return 0; } $this->classes[$type] = $this->qualifyClass($this->getNameInput()); } return 1; } protected function getStub() { return __DIR__ . "/stubs/{$this->nowType}.stub"; } protected function getNameInput() { $name = Str::studly(trim($this->argument('name'))); if ($this->nowType == 'test') { $name = 'Feature\\' . $name . 'ControllerTest'; } elseif ($this->nowType != 'model') { $name .= $this->type; } return $name; } protected function rootNamespace() { return 'App\\Admin\\' . Str::ucfirst(Str::plural($this->nowType)); } protected function getPath($name) { $name = Str::replaceFirst($this->rootNamespace(), '', $name); return $this->laravel['path'] . '/Admin/' . Str::ucfirst(Str::plural($this->type)) . str_replace('\\', '/', $name) . '.php'; } protected function replaceClass($stub, $name) { $stub = parent::replaceClass($stub, $name); if ($this->nowType == 'test') { $stub = str_replace('NamespacedDummyModel', $this->classes['model'], $stub); $stub = str_replace('dummy-resource-name', Str::plural($this->argument('name')), $stub); } elseif ($this->nowType == 'controller') { foreach (['filter', 'request', 'resource', 'model'] as $type) { $stub = $this->replaceDummyResource($type, $stub); } } return $stub; } protected function replaceDummyResource(string $type, string $stub): string { $namespaced = $this->classes[$type]; $class = class_basename($namespaced); $type = Str::ucfirst($type); $stub = str_replace("NamespacedDummy{$type}", $namespaced, $stub); $stub = str_replace("Dummy{$type}", $class, $stub); if ($type == 'Model') { $model = '$' . Str::camel($class); $models = Str::plural($model); $stub = str_replace('$dummyModel', $model, $stub); $stub = str_replace('$dummyModels', $models, $stub); } return $stub; } protected function makeFrontend() { //todo 修正做出来临时名称 begin $name = str_replace('\\', '/', trim($this->argument('name'))); $tmp = explode('/', $name); //todo 制作临时变量 end $dummyResource = Str::camel($name); $ucDummyResource = Str::ucfirst($dummyResource); $pluralDummyResource = Str::plural($dummyResource); $ucPluralDummyResource = Str::ucfirst($pluralDummyResource); reset($tmp); //todo 兼容vue内文件 $pluralKebabDummyResource = Str::plural(current($tmp) . '/' . strtolower(end($tmp))); //todo 修正文件 $replaces = [ 'PluralDummyResource' => ucfirst(end($tmp)), 'dummy-resources' => $pluralKebabDummyResource, 'DummyResource' => ucfirst(end($tmp)), 'dummyResources' => ucfirst(end($tmp)), ]; foreach (['api', 'index', 'form', 'routes'] as $type) { $content = $this->files->get(__DIR__ . "/stubs/frontend/{$type}.stub"); foreach ($replaces as $search => $replace) { $content = str_replace($search, $replace, $content); } if ($type == 'routes') { $this->info('路由配置:'); $this->line($content); } else { $relativePath = str_replace('dummy-resources', $pluralKebabDummyResource, $this->frontendTypePathMap[$type]); $path = $this->laravel['path.resources'] . '/admin/src/' . $relativePath; if ( !$this->option('force') && $this->files->exists($path) ) { $this->error($relativePath . ' 已存在'); return 0; } $this->makeDirectory($path); $this->files->put($path, $content); $this->info($relativePath . ' 创建成功'); } } return 1; } }
执行命令 php artisan admin:make-resource phone\Group 创建出来的控制器和model filter request 的父级都是有错误,目前我这边的解决方案是 在每个stub文件内手动定义父级 创建出来的vue文件也未能支持二级 目前我这边做了对应的解决方案 您这边可以看下 ,目前我是这样临时做解决的 项目很棒哦 大佬 里面我的todo 都有写 大佬看看吧