larics / icuas24_competition

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About, 1. Camera Extrinsic Parameters, and 2. Odometry Differences in rostopic and gazebo #37

Closed allenthreee closed 7 months ago

allenthreee commented 7 months ago


I have a few questions that I hope you could help me with:

  1. Could you please provide the extrinsic parameters of the camera mounted on the drone?(or I tried to get it by myself(but NOT sure am I correct))

  2. I noticed some differences in the odometry information when accessing it through rostopic and gazebo. Could you please explain why this is the case? (shown in the Figure below) 8481705731411_ pic_hd

The goal point we publish here is (-3,3,2) way_point_pub = rospy.Publisher('red/position_hold/trajectory', MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint) While the drone ends up at (-2,4,2)

I appreciate your time and assistance in this matter.

Best regards, Allen