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Inconsistent Topics in readme and Gazebo Simulation #7

Closed allenthreee closed 8 months ago

allenthreee commented 8 months ago

Following are some inconsistencies in the documentation found in our test:

  1. It seems that /mavros/global_position/local is not aligned with gazebo simuation, while /red/odometry gives the pose of the UAV.


  1. In readme, the topic is called plant_beds, while the gazebo simulation gives "plants_beds"
fpetric commented 8 months ago

Hi @allenthreee,

thanks for reporting. regarding the first issue, we will look into it. meaning @lmark1 will look into it, please?

regarding the topic, it should be _plant_beds_, we will fix that.

lmark1 commented 8 months ago

The topic names are updated. Thank you for noticing :)