lark-parser / lark

Lark is a parsing toolkit for Python, built with a focus on ergonomics, performance and modularity.
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example: failing in half cases #1300

Open zarnovican opened 1 year ago

zarnovican commented 1 year ago

Short description

When running the example examples/advanced/, the code fails on AssertionError in approx 50% of cases.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/zarnovic/git/lark/examples/advanced/", line 86, in <module>
  File "/home/zarnovic/git/lark/examples/advanced/", line 80, in test
    assert tree == tree_new

To Reproduce

Execute the example in a loop. "1" indicate AssertionError. "0" is success.

$ cd examples/advanced/
$ for i in `seq 10`; do python 2>&1 | grep -c AssertionError; done

Test environment

OS: Linux Python: 3.11 Lark: 1.1.5

I have tested few older Pythons and older Larks as well. No change.

Long Description

As I understand the example, it is converting text Python to AST, then back to Python via "Reconstructor" and then, again to AST. The assertion is that the first and second AST trees should be the same.

After some debugging, I was able to isolate much smaller reproducer:

from lark import Token, Lark
from lark.reconstruct import Reconstructor
from lark.indenter import PythonIndenter

# Official Python grammar by Lark
python_parser3 = Lark.open_from_package('lark', 'python.lark', ['grammars'],
                                        parser='lalr', postlex=PythonIndenter(), start='file_input',
                                        maybe_placeholders=False    # Necessary for reconstructor

def special(sym):
    return Token('SPECIAL',

def test():
    r = Reconstructor(python_parser3, {'_NEWLINE': special, })
    tree = python_parser3.parse('''foo('a', 'b')\n''')
    output = r.reconstruct(tree)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above code is converting foo('a', 'b') to AST and back to python. The Reconstructor produces four variations of the code

$ for i in `seq 10`; do python; done | sort -u
_NEWLINE foo('a''b',)_NEWLINE
_NEWLINE foo('a','b',)_NEWLINE

Notice the missing comma "," between the two arguments. 'a''b' are strings concatenated into one argument, while 'a','b' are two arguments. The same problem happens in the original example on line:

python_parser3 = Lark.open_from_package('lark', 'python.lark', ['grammars'],

Hence the AssertionError.

Problem: Python grammar

I'm not experienced enough to understand how the Reconstructor works. Maybe the problem is ambiguity in the Python grammar defined in Lark. I cannot fathom, however, how could the Reconstructor arrive from a tree node "arguments" with two children to string concat :confused:

Problem: non-determism

My initial motivation for root-cause analysis was actually finding the source of non-determinism. Why, if I put the loop inside the Python process, it returns consistent results, while the loop outside the process differ ? I haven't found "the line" where it is happening. The closest I came is this line, where the output unreduced_tree from the parser is already "random", while the input is not AFAIK.

In my opinion, the source of entrophy is Lark's usage of set()s. Every time the Python process is executed, the elements in sets are iterated over in a different order. This is expected behavior from Python point-of-view. But it has cascading effects on Larks processing, when, for example, rules are inspected in random order.

:thinking: Maybe, one way of fixing it is to switch from set() to dict() and use some dummy value. AFAIK Python guarantees that the dict keys will be iterated in the same order.

erezsh commented 10 months ago

The new release (1.1.8) should solve Earley non-determinism.

erezsh commented 5 days ago

I looked a bit deeper, and this is happening because of this line in the Python grammar:

?string_concat: string+

If we remove the ?, the bug gets solved. Same if we remove the +.

It looks like a bug in the reconstructor, that fails to understand that string string in the AST should never be interpreted as a single string_concat, because then it would be already be a branch.