lark-parser / lark

Lark is a parsing toolkit for Python, built with a focus on ergonomics, performance and modularity.
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Empty matches appearing unnecessarily when repeating empty rules ambiguously #1312

Open redruin1 opened 1 year ago

redruin1 commented 1 year ago

I'm writing a simple assembly-like language and I'm using Lark to parse it's AST, but I'm having trouble with ambiguity. Here's a boiled-down MinRe:

grammar ="""
program: statement* // zero or more statements

?statement: instruction

instruction: pneumonic [parameter]* // match zero or more expected parameters
pneumonic: CNAME

SPACING: /[ \t\f]+/  
%ignore SPACING

%import common.CNAME
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%import common.INT

asm_parser = Lark(grammar, start="program", ambiguity="explicit")

example = """PNEUMONIC "text" 10"""

syntax_tree = asm_parser.parse(example)


The above produces this output, which shows there's some phantom parameter between the pneumonic and the explicit strings and ints:

      pneumonic PNEUMONIC
      parameter "text"
      parameter 10
      pneumonic PNEUMONIC
      parameter "text"
      parameter 10

At first, I thought this was the parser matching the whitespace between the pneumonic and the first parameter, but removing this whitespace doesn't seem to help (especially since this whitespace is seemingly ignored anyway):

example = """PNEUMONIC"text" 10""" # produces the same output as above

What did work however was to remove the brackets within the instruction rule:

instruction: pneumonic parameter*

which resolves the ambiguity:

    pneumonic   PNEUMONIC
    parameter   "text"
    parameter   10

From what I understand the brackets indicate an "expected value" and the parser supplies None when nothing is found, but what is the parser actually matching in-between the pneumonic and the first parameter in this case?

erezsh commented 1 year ago

This isn't a problem with brackets. It might be an issue with ambiguous repetition.

Note that this grammar produces the same result:

program: instruction*
instruction: pneumonic parameter*
pneumonic: CNAME
parameter: [ESCAPED_STRING | INT]

And this grammar produces a similar result:

program: instruction*
instruction: pneumonic parameter*
pneumonic: CNAME
parameter: (ESCAPED_STRING | INT)?

Which means that repeating empty rules is probably creating this pattern.

MegaIng commented 1 year ago

Probably a duplicate of #1283. The solution is to make sure that you don't have ambiguites, and ideally you always want to use parser='lalr'. In this case if you just use parameter* (no brackets, since that is a duplication of the empty match possibility), it works and is even lalr compatible.

erezsh commented 1 year ago

@MegaIng I tried disabling ChildFilterLALR and the ForestToParseTree cache, as that issue suggests, but this artifact still persists.