Closed justrajdeep closed 2 months ago
Building on the previous question
I completed the full parser
text = '''7212775000:H:uvm_test_top:[slc_base_test/cex3_debug] socket:0, cex3 txn : t: (cpu_dv_scc_cex3_uvc::transaction@8320904) { response_expected: 0x0 txn_phase: TXN_PHASE_UNINITIALIZED accept_time: 7212775000 begin_time: 7212775000 end_time: 7212775000 begin_cycle: 3288 end_cycle: 3288 pd: { tag: PKT_dv_scc_cex3_dv_scc_client_req_cex3_signals snoop_c2chub_id_eviction: 0x0 snoop_c2chub_id_hit: 0x0 ctag_gv_next: 0x0 ctag_gv_current: 0x0 is_la: 0x0 is_ephemeral: 0x0 cf_user_field: 0x732090cb mecid: 0x0 trace_tag: 0x1 vc: ucf_slc_chi_reqsnp_intf_vc_t_NON_BLOCKING_LL mpam: 0x151 exp_comp_ack: 0x0 excl: 0x0 stash_group_id: 0x9f snp_attr: 0x1 mem_attr: 0xd pcrd_type: 0x0 order: ucf_slc_chi_req_order_t_CHI_REQ_ORDER_NO_ORDER allow_retry: 0x1 likely_shared: 0x0 size: ucf_slc_chi_req_size_t_CHI_SIZE_64B opcode: ucf_slc_chi_req_opcode_internal_t_CHI_REQ_STASHONCESHARED return_txn_id: 0x2 stash_nid_valid: 0x0 return_nid: 0x5f3 retryid: 0x0 ldid: 0x3a stash_nid: 0x73 slcrephint: 0x73 reqsrcattr: 0x2 decerr: 0x0 scc_drop_rsp: 0x0 ncr: 0x0 clean: 0x1 return_state: ucf_slc_chi_req_return_state_t_S addr: 0x1000fe8c82a ns: 0x0 nse: 0x0 txn_id: 0x69d tgt_id: 0xcf src_id: 0x9a qos: 0x3 is_volatile: 0x0 tgt_ldid: 0xa0a ctag_hit_mecid: 0x3e5 bypass_valid: 0x0 owt_atomic_have_ownership_no_allocation_executed: 0x0 owt_atomic_have_ownership_no_allocation_yet_to_execute: 0x0 owt_atomic_have_ownership_allocating: 0x0 owt_iocrd_have_ownership_allocating: 0x0 owt_iocwr_have_ownership_allocating: 0x0 owt_wb_or_l3_eviction_data_received_allocating: 0x0 owt_wb_or_l3_eviction_data_received_no_allocation: 0x0 owt_wb_or_l3_eviction_waiting_data: 0x0 owt_outstanding_ioc_l4_req: 0x0 owt_outstanding_ownership_l4_req: 0x0 ort_l4_req_outstanding: 0x0 ort_received_or_have_ownership: 0x1 owt_blocking_tail: 0x0 owt_blocking_head: 0x0 art_l3_eviction_blocking_tail: 0x0 art_l3_eviction_blocking_head: 0x0 art_esnoop_blocking_tail: 0x0 art_esnoop_blocking_head: 0x0 art_l2dir_eviction_blocking_tail: 0x0 art_l2dir_eviction_blocking_head: 0x0 art_non_eviction_blocking_tail: 0x0 art_non_eviction_blocking_head: 0x0 ort_blocking_tail: 0x0 ort_blocking_head: 0x0 ort_dealloc_head: 0x0 companion_way2_eviction: 0x0 companion_way1_eviction: 0x0 rar_is_supplant: 0x0 eat_hit_shared: 0x0 eat_hit: 0x0 replay_src: scf_scc_replay_src_t_ART propagated_ecc_mismatch: 0x0 mdir_ecc_mismatch: 0x0 ctag_ecc_mismatch: 0x0 owt_ecc_replay_set: 0x0 ort_ecc_replay_set: 0x0 art_ecc_replay_set: 0x0 ecc_replay: 0x0 mpam_ctag_cnt: 0x52 idx_rrpv_value_final: 0x0 idx_rrpv_value_initial: 0x0 psel_counter_final: 0x0 psel_counter_initial: 0x0 brrip_non_tracked_counter_final: 0x0 brrip_non_tracked_counter_initial: 0x0 brrip_tracked_counter_final: 0x0 brrip_tracked_counter_initial: 0x0 scc_default_rrpv: 0x0 lut_default_rrpv: 0x0 scc_drrip_policy: scf_scc_ctag_replacement_policy_t_SRRIP lut_drrip_policy: scf_scc_ctag_replacement_policy_t_SRRIP mpam_qpc: scf_scc_qpc_t_H ctag_reserved_by_owt: 0x0 ctag_reserved_by_ort: 0x0 vdir_reserved_by_owt: 0x0 vdir_reserved_by_ort: 0x0 mdir_reserved_by_owt: 0x0 mdir_reserved_by_ort: 0x0 owt_ncm_cbusy: 0x1 ort_ncm_cbusy: 0x1 mpam_cbusy: 0x0 mpam_cbusy_peer: 0x0 cbusy_peer: 0x0 is_likely_serviced_internally: 0x1 flush_read_req_flush_engine_id: 0x0 is_rar_optimized: 0x0 fcm_spec_read_issued_from_cex3: 0x0 fcm_spec_read_issued_from_cex2: 0x0 local_only_count: 0x2a47 remote_only_count: 0x0 vdir_way_reserved: 0x0 mdir_way_reserved: 0x0 evict_addr: 0x1000fe8cc00 evict_ns: 0x0 evict_nse: 0x0 evict_dir_presence: 0x10080000000000000000001f0 mdir_update: 0x0 vdir_update: 0x0 vc_id: scf_scc_csn_req_vc_t_INB_LOCAL_CPU_LL mdir_to_vdir_move_valid: 0x0 mdir_wr_valid: 0x0 vdir_wr_valid: 0x0 ctag_rip_wr_valid: 0x0 ctag_wr_valid: 0x0 flush_in_progress: 0x0 mdir_to_vdir: 0x0 vdir_evict: 0x0 vdir_alloc: 0x0 vdir_hit: 0x0 vdir_index: 0x0 mdir_updated_way2_presence: 0x800000 mdir_updated_way1_presence: 0x0 mdir_updated_way0_presence: 0x2 mdir_update_way2_valid: 0x0 mdir_update_way1_valid: 0x0 mdir_update_way0_valid: 0x0 mdir_hit2_presence: 0x800000 mdir_hit1_presence: 0x0 mdir_hit0_presence: 0x2 mdir_hit2_presence_type: scf_scc_mdir_presence_type_t_FLAT_THIRD_PART mdir_hit1_presence_type: scf_scc_mdir_presence_type_t_FLAT_SECOND_PART mdir_hit0_presence_type: scf_scc_mdir_presence_type_t_FLAT_FIRST_PART mdir_alloc: 0x0 mdir_hit2: 0x1 mdir_way2: 0x400 mdir_hit1: 0x1 mdir_way1: 0x200 mdir_hit0: 0x1 mdir_way0: 0x100 mdir_index: 0x9b flush_dest: flush_read_req_dest_t_MDIR dfd_dest: 0x0 is_dfd_write: 0x0 is_dfd_read: 0x0 is_flush_read: 0x0 is_decerr: 0x0 is_from_haq: 0x0 is_haq_pushed: 0x0 is_ncm_retry: 0x0 haq_based_retry: 0x0 mpam_based_retry: 0x0 ncm_based_retry: 0x0 is_retry_nuked: 0x0 prefetch_drop: 0x1 is_replay_after_wakeup: 0x0 iso_kill_sleep: 0x0 iso_pseudo_sleep: 0x0 hit_owt_id: 0x27 iso_hit_owt_head: 0x0 hit_ort_id: 0xxx iso_hit_ort_head: 0x0 hit_art_id: 0x0 iso_hit_art_head: 0x0 owt_hit: 0x0 ort_hit_is_from_move: 0x0 ort_hit: 0x0 art_hit: 0x0 l2dir_hit: 0x1 is_ephemeral_hit: 0x0 ctag_hit_final: 0x1 ctag_hit: 0x1 l2dir_eviction: 0x0 ctag_eviction_is_gv: 0x0 ctag_eviction_state_is_unique_dirty: 0x0 ctag_eviction_state_is_unique_clean: 0x1 ctag_eviction_state_is_shared: 0x0 ctag_globally_visible: 0x0 ctag_unused_prefetch: 0x0 ctag_alloc_ways_valid_and_not_resvd_and_inactive: 0x7 ctag_alloc_ways_not_valid_and_not_resvd_and_inactive: 0xfff8 ctag_capacity_or_coherency: 0x0 ctag_in_dir_eviction: 0x0 ctag_dirty_eviction: 0x0 ctag_silent_eviction: 0x0 ctag_final_state: scf_scc_ctag_state_t_UD ctag_initial_state: scf_scc_ctag_state_t_UD ctag_hashed_index: 0x13e ctag_way: 0x1 eat_alloc: 0x0 cgid: 0x27 ctag_alloc_valid: 0x1 ctag_alloc_set: 0x1 ctag_alloc: 0x0 esnoop_wakeup_replay_deferred: 0x0 esnoop_wakeup_replay: 0x0 ctag_check_replay: 0x0 dir_check_replay: 0x0 ctag_eviction_wakeup_replay: 0x0 ctag_replay: 0x0 dir_replay: 0x0 paq_replay: 0x0 full_replay: 0x0 ort_ort_chain: 0x0 art_owt_chain: 0x0 art_ort_chain: 0x0 art_art_chain: 0x0 paq_killed: 0x0 cam_killed: 0x0 killed: 0x0 final_dir_presence: 0x1008000000000000000000002 initial_dir_presence: 0x1008000000000000000000002 initial_l2c_state: scf_scc_dir_l2c_state_t_SHARED initial_scf_state: scf_scc_mdir_block_scf_state_t_UNIQUE l2c_state: scf_scc_dir_l2c_state_t_SHARED scf_state: scf_scc_mdir_block_scf_state_t_UNIQUE owd_id2: 0x27 owd_id1: 0x1 owd_id0: 0x0 owt_id_secondary: 0x1 secondary_owt_valid: 0x1 owt_id_primary: 0x0 primary_owt_valid: 0x1 ort_valid: 0x1 ort_id: 0x0 art_id_secondary: 0x1 secondary_art_valid: 0x1 art_id_primary: 0x0 primary_art_valid: 0x1 is_full_replay: 0x0 is_full_play: 0x1 is_valid: 0x1 evictandalloc_nop: 0x0 } reset_: 0x1 }''' grammar = r""" ?start: maybe_space starting nested_capture nested_capture : open_curly_brace (key_value)+ close_curly_brace maybe_space : (" "|/\t/)* open_curly_brace : "{" maybe_space close_curly_brace : "}" maybe_space open_brace : "(" maybe_space close_brace : ")" maybe_space colon_symbol : ":" maybe_space anything : /.+?/ key_value : KEY colon_symbol value_space KEY : CNAME TIME : INT TXN_NAME : CNAME "_uvc::transaction" txn_name_block : open_brace TXN_NAME anything+ close_brace maybe_space VERBOSITY_LEVEL : ("H"|"F") starting : TIME maybe_space colon_symbol VERBOSITY_LEVEL maybe_space colon_symbol anything+ colon_symbol "t" colon_symbol txn_name_block maybe_space HEX_NUM : ("0x"? (HEXDIGIT|"x")+) value_space : value maybe_space value: CNAME | HEX_NUM | nested_capture %import common (WORD, HEXDIGIT, NUMBER, ESCAPED_STRING, WS, CNAME, INT) # %ignore WS """ def main():# {{{ parser = Lark(grammar, parser="earley", # parser="cyk", # parser="lalr", keep_all_tokens=True, maybe_placeholders=True, start="start") tree = parser.parse(text) tree = parser.lex(text, dont_ignore=True) print(list(tree))
I was hoping the starting of the string to show up as TIME but showing up as HEX_NUM also some of the CNAME would show up as KEY. Is there some construct i am supposed to use ?
Sorry you didn't get any response. If it's still relevant, I suggest trying stackoverflow.
Building on the previous question
I completed the full parser
I was hoping the starting of the string to show up as
but showing up asHEX_NUM
also some of theCNAME
would show up asKEY
. Is there some construct i am supposed to use ?TIA