Closed johnny-alvarado closed 5 years ago
You can use lexer callbacks:
Ok, if we take your example:
from lark import Lark, Token
def tok_to_int(tok):
"Convert the value of `tok` from string to int, while maintaining line number & column."
# tok.type == 'INT'
return Token.new_borrow_pos(tok.type, int(tok), tok)
parser = Lark("""
start: INT*
%import common.INT
%ignore " "
""", parser="lalr", lexer_callbacks = {'INT': tok_to_int})
print(parser.parse('3 14 159'))
How do I change the grammar to accept the list of numbers separated by a comma, like in bring(parser.parse('3, 14, 159'))
Oh, I misunderstood your question.
Follow the JSON tutorial, it explains that and more:
P.S. I reformatted your comment. Take a look and learn for next time.
Thank you, it worked quite well!
Happy to help
How can I specify terms for lists or ranges?
For example to check if a variable is in a list or a range: var IN (1,2,3) var IN (1-10)