larkery / orgcal

Android calendar <-> org mode
15 stars 1 forks source link

Screenshot or Description #1

Open tgrosinger opened 4 years ago

tgrosinger commented 4 years ago

Based on your comment on, I am interested in learning more about this project. Would you be able to provide screenshots or a description of what the app does? Do you intend to publish it anywhere? Thanks

larkery commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry, don't look at my github notifications much.

Screenshot for this would be pretty boring, it's just a settings page for

What it does is bidirectional sync between some org files and the android system calendar.

Each file in a directory of org files is presented as an android calendar.

Each org heading that has a timestamp in a given file is presented as an event in that calendar.

When you edit the events in the calendar app, the org file is updated, and vice versa.

If you make a new event in the calendar, it gets appended to the org file. If you delete an event from the calendar the org heading is archived.

So the effect is that you can see your org file's scheduled appointments in an android calendar app.

I use it in combination with the syncthing app, so my org-mode calendar is bidirectionally synced between my laptops etc. and my phone.

I have no intention of publishing it - I made it for myself, and it does the job I need. Learning to publish an android app rather than just building it and pushing it to my phone is not something I have time to do. However if you want to do this you're very welcome to.

novoid commented 2 years ago

This really do seem to be a handy functionality. If anybody has the ability and motivation to fork it, write a and publish binaries ready to use, I'm in as a tester.

larkery commented 2 years ago

I find it useful - one difficulty that'd probably need overcoming is anything to do with varying android API levels. I have just my phone which has API level whatever (30 maybe? No idea), and I just tell intellij to stick in whatever boilerplate makes it shut up about API compatibility.

So it may well really not work if you aren't running the same kind of android as me. Things like permissions requests, filesystem access, background services and stuff all seem to get changed whenever there's a new android release.

novoid commented 2 years ago

So it may well really not work if you aren't running the same kind of android as me. Things like permissions requests, filesystem access, background services and stuff all seem to get changed whenever there's a new android release.

I see. If you do the work for yourself, you could at least publish a binary for the (range of) API level(s) you're using and specify that clearly.

Bonus points for a quick direction on how to find out the API used in the phone at hand. At least I don't know it by heart and I'd have to do a lookup myself. I'm running an up-to-date Pixel phone if this is of any interest.

larkery commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I don't know how to publish a binary - I am just building it in debug mode and sideloading it into the phone that way. To do an APK which is distributable involves some more faff that I don't currently have any idea about.

larkery commented 2 years ago

OK so I worked out how to make an android release build, it's in the releases page. No idea if it'll work for you, works for me on an android 12 device. Almost definite it won't work on android less than 11.