larku / RakNet

RakNet is a cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers.
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RakNet binds to loopback addresses? #36

Open aardvarkk opened 8 years ago

aardvarkk commented 8 years ago

After setting up a server running RakNet, I run the following code:

    for (auto i = 0; i < sockets.Size(); ++i)
        LOG(INFO) << "Bound to address " << peer->GetMyBoundAddress(i).ToString();

The output is the following (I set up one port for IPv4 and one port for IPv6):

2016-06-21 20:11:07,450 INFO  Bound to address|1111
2016-06-21 20:11:07,460 INFO  Bound to address ::1|1112

What I find incredibly strange is that RakNet has bound to the loopback address. However, the server seems to work and does accept connections. My two questions are:

  1. Why is RakNet binding to the loopback instead of the ethernet addresses?
  2. How does anything even get through to the server? Since it's bound to the loopback address, wouldn't it only receive packets generated on the same machine?
Kiddinglife commented 8 years ago

1. because in lan, loopback addr is same to your local ethernet addr. thay is is same to both of them are your local address. 2. No, senddata to is only called by you, other people in lan would send data to

Kiddinglife commented 8 years ago

go over book of unix network programming