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Possible memory corruption with VariableDeltaSerializer #41

Open Snalibe opened 7 years ago

Snalibe commented 7 years ago

I'm just dropping this here so that the community knows...

I found an issue when serializing too many variables using the variabledeltaserializer.

bool WriteVarToBitstream(const VarType &varData, RakNet::BitStream *bitStream, unsigned char *bArray, unsigned short writeOffset)
    static bool checkHeap = false;

    if (WriteVarToBitstream(varData,bitStream)==true)
        BitSize_t numberOfBitsMod8 = writeOffset & 7;

        if (numberOfBitsMod8 == 0)
            ---------> bArray[writeOffset >> 3] = 0x80; <-----------
            ---------> bArray[writeOffset >> 3] |= 0x80 >> (numberOfBitsMod8); // Set the bit to 1 <-----------

These lines will cause memory overflow if writeOffset exceeds 447.

This is due to the bitField this class uses:

struct ChangedVariablesList
    uint32_t sendReceipt;
    unsigned short bitWriteIndex;
    unsigned char bitField[------------>56<-----------];

By increasing this value, we can extend the maximum number of variables that can be serialized. But this should be made dynamic.

More importantly, a hard crash should be put in place when this is detected and an assert explaining what's the problem. It would have saved me a few days of debugging!

Here is my guard (not a fix per say):

template <class VarType>
void SerializeVariable(SerializationContext *context, const VarType &variable)
    context->variableHistory->variableListDeltaTracker.fCheckHeap = fCheckHeap;

    if (context->newSystemSend)
        if (context->variableHistory->variableListDeltaTracker.IsPastEndOfList()==false)
            // previously sent data to another system
            // never sent data to another system
            context->variableHistory->variableListDeltaTracker.WriteVarToBitstream(variable, context->bitStream);
    else if (context->serializationMode==UNRELIABLE_WITH_ACK_RECEIPT)
        ------------>RakAssert((context->changedVariables->bitWriteIndex >> 3) < 56);

        ------------>if (!((context->changedVariables->bitWriteIndex >> 3) < 56))
        ------------>   // Crash here. Continuing execution will lead to memory corruption.
        ------------>   // What does this mean? Too many variables to serialize. Need to split them into more replicas or increase the bitField size.
        ------------>   *(int*)123 = 123;

        context->variableHistory->variableListDeltaTracker.WriteVarToBitstream(variable, context->bitStream, context->changedVariables->bitField, context->changedVariables->bitWriteIndex++);
        if (context->variableHistoryIdentical)
            // Identical serialization to a number of systems
            if (didComparisonThisTick==false)
                context->variableHistory->variableListDeltaTracker.WriteVarToBitstream(variable, context->bitStream);
            // Else bitstream is written to at the end
            // Per-system serialization
                context->variableHistory->variableListDeltaTracker.WriteVarToBitstream(variable, context->bitStream);