larpon / QtFirebaseExample

Example Qt app for the QtFirebase project
MIT License
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Cleanup, add qt5.14.2 working Android files #29

Closed davidzwa closed 4 years ago

davidzwa commented 4 years ago

I do have to note with this PR I did a complete install of Qt/QtCreator/Android-SDK/NDK/JDK and I had some issues (when don't we have issues xD) worth mentioning. This concerns both Android side of things, but also really handy tips on side of Qt and QtFirebase.

On the setup side (on Windows):

On the QtFirebaseExample side and Qt projects vs Android (at least for Qt 5.14.x):

Runtime issues (FCM at least):

larpon commented 4 years ago

We'll have to take this in bite-sized chunks :cake: before I can pull anything in.

Note for curious followers: Ongoing general usability issue discussion is currently in QtFirebase

For this PR:

I do have to note with this PR I did a complete install of Qt/QtCreator/Android-SDK/NDK/JDK and I had some issues (when don't we have issues xD) worth mentioning. This concerns both Android side of things, but also really handy tips on side of Qt and QtFirebase.

Thanks! They'll probably need to go into the documentation somehow - see my comments below.

* Android Studio comes preinstalled with JDK 9, which should <...>

I'm sorry but I can't take on the burden of being first line support on setups using any other setup than command line/QMake. Android Studio (or any other IDE) and whatever tons of weird bugs and inconsistencies that will bring in is none of this projects business. Qt Creator is a little special here as it is my impression that most users will use Qt Creator as it usually comes bundled with Qt (although that might change).

But... Especially issues like login problems with Oracle or any other services, portals etc. is so far from the scope of this project as anything can be. I hate login walls - especially corporate ones - and Qt has recently also introduced this which is a huge mistake IMO. They lock out developers that care about and help their business.

If people choose to use Oracle etc. - it's their problem. I can probably accept to put small general notes in the documentation - but not guidance on how to circumvent logins etc.

* Android minimum target SDK should be around 24/25, build SDK (**compileSdkVersion**) should be at least **28** <...>

Yeah - I'm generally also growing really tired of all these little stupid things. People get confused and report seemingly unrelated issues because of these "numbers". I think they were initially used to keep things easier for backward compatibility - but look at how Google and vendors are dropping support for "older" devices with each release they do. It's a mess. But this probably need to be fixed when we can.

On the QtFirebaseExample side and Qt projects vs Android (at least for Qt 5.14.x):

* *.properties paths hardcoded and not auto-updated: either gitignore, or auto-generate, but dont commit your paths

Fully agreed, I normally don't do this in any of my public facing projects - but like I've stated here ... I initially thought it brought more help than confusion.

I should probably replace them with something like:

systemProp.firebase_cpp_sdk.dir=/path/to/firebase_sdk // NOTE on Windows you might need to escape whitespaces in your path
* *.properties paths not escaped on Windows (warning Android Studio only)

I'm not interested in supporting quirks of any IDE - I can accept notes about such oddities in the documentation or in the file itself.

* '' due to bug in 4.0.1 (not essential, and I didnt always experience this problem. I dont see a problem in going to a higher version if it works.)

Hmm ok, I see. Again these are a little tough as I can't check for third-party bugs with every release. I normally bump everything to the highest possible working version when "releasing" for versions I know that works. It's impossible (and actually quite time consuming) to find out which versions of the whole software stack works together (preferably on ALL platforms). Again it's a mess, because users want QtFirebase to work with their specific "version chain".

* Manifest changed, libs.xml changed, gradle(w) files updated with newer gradle (we can consider going to version even, it works fine)

Yeah - I think you're spot on with the Qt >= 5.14.x thing here. I initially had thoughts about doing a separate branch - but having the solution in master is better. Thank you for introducing this idea. I really wish that we wouldn't have to have so much duplicated code between base and your new android-qt5.14 dir. Can we come up with something smarter? I just know it will bring confusion and issues all the way from contributors to end users. I can feel it :smiley:

* We can massively improve feedback to Developers concerning: paths to SDK, NDK with qmake messages and errors. The build should NOT continue when the paths are wrong or unset, but also I think setting ENVIRONMENT variables is quite unclear: we can make use of a `.qmake.conf` file for _all paths_. Can we write a separate and CLEAR tool for this which is called by qmake? Python/Powershell/Bash script? (I like Powershell, but Python is fine for me. I hate Batch and I think bash is easily breakable. Python is universally available and we can expand it with a clear CLI parser.)

Fully agree, again, you're spot on. We need to make this easier. Let's start out with something in QMake (I'm not very profund with QMake, nor with .qmake.conf) - I dislike bringing in more dependencies like Python/Powershell/Bash - QtFirebase has enough clutter and dependencies as is :sob:

Runtime issues (FCM at least):

* cant find `nulllib***.so`: with the new .aab build, make sure to include your targets platform in the target list. (for me arm64-v8a) and to select .apk/.aab. *If you want the easiest way: build for armeabi-v7a as well and select .aab bundling, so you can upload to PlayStore as easy as possible. This takes longer to compile logically.

Yes I haven't had time to look into .aab support at all. I think it's more important to get sprintf and the v5.14.x+ working first with apk style upload. Again introducing/supporting another output format is equal to confusion. One thing at a time unless unless it's "two for one" solutions.

* We need OpenSSL (libcrypto, libssl)


W QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted: TLS initialization failed I think this github repo does it perfectly and for all targets. We should definitely include this. This will come in a seperate PR, which is dependent on this PR.

Besides being a huge dependency - it's also a giant painful mess in regards to both Qt and Android.

Bringing this in will be like gate crashing a party in a hornet nest with a smoking pole. It's a big steaming pile I really don't want to touch.

Again we have enough problems as things are currently. I will give what you have committed a look though - that much you deserve for all the hard work you've put into this :slightly_smiling_face:

I'll probably not pull this in as is. We need to keep things in clear separate PRs doing one thing at a time. To not confuse any further - let's take the discussion to

I really appreciate your efforts and don't mean to sound angry towards what you contribute here.

davidzwa commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the thorough feedback! That's really kind of you.

I agree that this PR is huge and can be split up. I'll continue the conversation in the issues to break it down. Please leave it open to help out people with more information, if you will. Can be abandoned once we got closer to a solution concerning the file duplication and templating.

davidzwa commented 4 years ago

On a sidenote, I was trying to help out people by putting a lot of new information to the table. Sometimes it's quite hard to have a consolidated bundle of information about a working prototype. So maybe you understand why I went all the way.

larpon commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the thorough feedback! That's really kind of you.

I agree that this PR is huge and can be split up. I'll continue the conversation in the issues to break it down. Please leave it open to help out people with more information, if you will. Can be abandoned once we got closer to a solution concerning the file duplication and templating.

Awesome! Well it's not that huge it's just... things get a little hairy when stuff breaks and I'm on vacation and got a life to attend etc. I think it's for the best if we keep things a bit more ... uhm ... component-like separated.. in need of better terms 😊

Thanks for your understanding. I'll keep it open, no problem.

On a sidenote, I was trying to help out people by putting a lot of new information to the table. Sometimes it's quite hard to have a consolidated bundle of information about a working prototype. So maybe you understand why I went all the way.

I fully understand 🙂 all good

larpon commented 4 years ago

I actually can't see any immediate showstoppers for pulling this in, sorry for the fuzz.

What's your plan with OpenSSL - it's supposed to be commited later on, right? Can we somehow provide it with the example here for all platforms?

I need to know if the example will build on all platforms (incl. macOS and iOS) - there's nothing more irritating than to fiddle through some complicated setup like this - to finally find out your platform doesn't support the SSL we'll provide here.

AFAIK the openssl linux version need to be some special version for some Qt versions? ... so not everyone can do a simple apt install ... - because their version might not match what Qt need??

What about future breakage? (I just know it will break - it always do :smile: ) - I'm by a very high probability going to ignore anything ssl related issues reported - unless I get time to actually research and understand - which is not very likely to happen in the near future :sweat_smile:

larpon commented 4 years ago

I can see even Qt Creator has gotten an option to fix the Android OpenSSL mess. I guess I can accept this as is then.

larpon commented 4 years ago

I can build this on Linux - but haven't tested if it runs

davidzwa commented 4 years ago

I have tested it on Android. I also have tested our build on iOS, but that's without QtFirebase and SSL (possibly due to #28 which is fixed). I have the idea that only Windows and Android are a problem (could be wrong).

larpon commented 4 years ago

@davidzwa - yes, that's my impression too. We'll leave it for now :slightly_smiling_face: