larryhastings / appeal

Command-line parsing library for Python 3.
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"--" can not be passed as argument #17

Closed rschmidtner closed 2 months ago

rschmidtner commented 11 months ago

Why does python f "--" not work?

import appeal

app = appeal.Appeal()

def f(a):
    print(f"Received the following parameters:")
    for key, value in locals().items():
        print(f"  name: {key}")
        print(f"    value: {value}")
        print(f"    type: {type(value)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
larryhastings commented 2 months ago

"--" is a standard convention for command-line processing. It means "stop handling options for all subsequent command-line arguments". Consider: what if you wanted to use grep to find the string -i in a file? You'd have to somehow convince grep to not read that as "perform a case-insensitive search". You'd do that with "--".

In the case of Appeal, Appeal itself consumes the "--"; it doesn't pass it on to a converter. But all subsequent command-line arguments are passed on as positional arguments, even if they start with dashes.

With your sample program, if you wanted a to get the value -- from the command-line, just specify it twice:

% python f -- --

(It's not necessary to put quote marks around the two dashes.)

Or to pass in -a or --longfellow to a:

% python f -- -a
% python f -- --longfellow