lars-raaum / kom-inn

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SMS: Send an SMS to the host that there is a match #7

Closed lars-raaum closed 7 years ago

lars-raaum commented 7 years ago

Use Twilio to send an SMS to the host.

@lars-raaum has API-keys that is live and kickin.

Text: "Hei! En Kom inn-gjest er klar for en middagsinvitasjon fra deg! Mer informasjon på epost :)"

lars-raaum commented 7 years ago

1) Get the PHP helper 2) Add phonenumber and API-stuff - BOOM Lars has API-key Actual phone number to plug-in

<?php // Get the PHP helper library from require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php'; // Loads the library use Twilio\Rest\Client;

// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from $sid = "...."; $token = "your_auth_token"; $client = new Client($sid, $token);

$client->messages->create( "+15558675309", array( 'from' => '+15017250604', 'body' => ""Hei! En Kom inn-gjest er klar for en middagsinvitasjon fra deg! Mer informasjon på epost :)"", ) );