Recently, I need ocra build Windows executables from Ruby source code. But, the source code include many .rb files which name is Chinese, like 测试.rb. I use ocra build the main file, and then get the .exe file. There is a bug when I execute the .exe file, as below:
FATAL ERROR: Failed to create file 'C:\Users\tp\AppData\Local\Temp\ocr3218.tmp\src\find\plugins\aff\鐧惧害浜戝閫?rb'
Recently, I need ocra build Windows executables from Ruby source code. But, the source code include many .rb files which name is Chinese, like 测试.rb. I use ocra build the main file, and then get the .exe file. There is a bug when I execute the .exe file, as below: E:\SVN\20180601>.\find.exe FATAL ERROR: Failed to create file 'C:\Users\tp\AppData\Local\Temp\ocr3218.tmp\src\find\plugins\aff\鐧惧害浜戝閫?rb'